Chapter 28

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Ethan gazes around the dancefloor as boredom overtakes him. He has no idea why he bothered to show up tonight. He cannot pretend he's having a good time. He tucks his hands into his suit pockets as Jake approaches him.

"What do you want?" Ethan questions with a roll of his eyes.

"Here for a drink, you're not worth my time." Jake bites back, but Ethan blocks him.

"Do you have a problem with me?" He questions and Jake nods his head.

"You know I do."

Jake has a few inches on Ethan and he smirks at the realization.

"You should stay away from Amelia, you're nothing but bad news."

Jake tried his best not to let his words get to him, but the burning fury scorched his veins.

"Amelia can make her own decisions." He bites back. "You had your chance, don't get angry with me for realizing something you never did."

Ethan's jaw tenses and his fists clench at his sides. His knuckles turn white.

"Amelia doesn't know the real you." He snidely remarks. "If she did, she wouldn't even breathe the same air as you."

Jake takes an intimidating step closer. He clenches his jaw as the veins protrude from his neck.

"You don't know a thing about me." He seethes.

"You want to bet?" He smirks. "You have quite a history."

"I am not that guy anymore." He defends before angrily placing his hands on Ethan's shoulder and delivering a harsh shove.

He stumbles a few feet back and scoffs. His hateful gaze could make the devil himself cower.

"You'll regret that." He spits before stalking off.

Amelia winces as her heels click against the tiles with every step. The sound ricochets off the walls and gives away her allure of surprise. She glances over her shoulder every few seconds in fear that someone is sneaking up on her, but there is no one in sight. She attempts quiet steps as she's a corner away from her locker. She peers around the wall but no one is in the vicinity. She takes a step forward, only to be taken by surprise as a hand covers her mouth. She struggles to fight the individual off as they tighten their grip around her waist. She attempts to push and shove, but her attempts are futile as a wave of unconsciousness flows over her.

Lillian scoped the variety of snacks on the table as her stomach begins to grumble. She's about to reach for a miniature quiche when her phone chimes. Thinking it could be Amelia, she reaches into her clutch. Her stomach drops as she notices it's from an unknown number.

If you want your friend, I suggest you come get her. Tell anyone and she dies.

She nearly drops her phone in shock as she gazes around in hopes of this being a sick joke, but there is no sign of Amelia at all. She takes a few deep breaths as another text chimes.

Meet me in the hallway.

She takes one more sip of the punch for luck before inconspicuously maneuvering toward the hallway. The doors swing open and closed behind her as she takes cautious steps. They never specified where and that makes her more concerned as they could pounce on her at any second. She gazes around in every direction in fear that someone is breathing down her neck. The sound of laughter makes her whip around in fear. She'd expected someone to be standing there, but she was the only one standing in the hallway.

"Lillian." She hears the voice whisper and tears start to pierce the back of her eyes. "Lillian."

She glances in so many directions that she begins to feel dizzy. She turns around and spots the cloaked figure menacingly standing a few feet ahead of her. She gasps and makes a run for it. She can hear the figure gaining on her and she pushes herself further to get back to the safety of the dance. As if she had been cursed, she trips and falls to the ground allowing the sadistic killer to gain up to her. She glances up at the figure only to find a bat heading in her direction before everything faded into darkness.

Jake's eyes nervously dart around the room. It had been too long since Amelia left and she hasn't responded to his manifold of texts. He hoped she'd suddenly appear before him and apologize for making him wait so long, but that was wishful thinking.

With a deeper sense of dread, he anxiously brushes past the horde of dancers. He's about to exit the gymnasium when a hand on his arm stops him.

"Where is Amelia?" Ethan anxiously questions him.

Jake yanks his arm out of his hold.

"That's what I'm hoping to find out."

Ethan contemplates the best strategy for finding her. He didn't want to team up with Jake but he needed to find Amelia.

"You try this hallway and I'll try the other exit." He proposes. "If we split up we have a better chance of finder her sooner."

He hated to agree with the suggestion, but Amelia is his biggest priority. Not petty drama. He nods and doesn't waste another second shoving the doors open and bolting through the hallways.

Ethan was starting to lose hope. He'd searched every inch of the school and there is no trace of Amelia. Or Lillian. He entered Mr. Stanley's classroom hoping they'd both just wanted a quiet moment alone, away from the ruckus. No sign of them. He groans but halts his movements as a cloaked figure stands a few feet away. Their menacing posture makes it hard for him to swallow. His heart picks up its pace.

"Who are you!" His attempt at bravery fails as his voice deceives him.

The figure doesn't move a muscle.

"Answer me!"

The deafening silence infuriated him. The person that had been causing nothing but pain and suffering is standing a few steps ahead of him. The person he vowed to kill with his own two hands if he ever got the chance. However, the reality of the situation struck him like lightning. The sadistic killer is in his view and it's the most terrifying situation imaginable. He stared the masked animal down in hopes it would chase them off, but they took a challenging step forward. Shocked at the unexpected movement, he unconsciously stepped back. Only to bump into someone else.

He spun with inhuman speed - only to find another cloaked figure. The realization hit him harder than a sack of bricks.

There were two killers all along. 

Those are his final thoughts before a knife is wedged expertly into his heart. He gasps out as blood instantly runs out his mouth like a crimson waterfall. With a vengeful twist of the blade, his lifeless body drops to the ground with a ferocious thud.

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