Chp.1 New Exorcist

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The sixteen-year-old teen looked over at her master. They walked side by side as they cross the grassy field. Her masters blonde hair blowing with the strong wind, even though her hood was up. They wore one of those rain coats but there's were made out of grey fabric and it didn't go all the way down their legs, it stopped at their waist. She could see her masters innocence on her shoulder, inside of her hood. She was as tall as her master, five-feet and eight inches although she weighed less, hundred and thirty pounds. Most of her weight was muscle that she built up over the years with her master when she saved her life when she was little. She owed her life to her, because she took her in long ago. She still remembers the day she saved her like it was yesterday...

~Flash Back~

Tears flowed down her cheeks. Her vision blurry so she couldn't see anything. She was only seven years old! Seven! An this was happening to her! She clutched onto the katana that was in her small hands. Her town was set ablaze by the akuma's that was attacking her town. She fell down onto her knees, her tears know drying up. She could see her black bangs, while the rest was in a bun, not like one of those buns that look like a circle. She just put it up like she was putting it into a pony-tail but she stopped pulling it out making it into a bun. Which lead to some of her short layers pointing out at the top and her ends pointing downwards. That type of bun. She clutched tighter onto the black katana the one that her father gave to her and told to her run before he was killed in front of her blue eyes. Her dad was her only family she got left when her mother died giving birth to her. Her dad trained her hard, learning how to box and to take down bigger people than her. He engraved many techniques into her brain. He worked her hard from day to night each and every day.

She looked down at the katana her father gave her and wiped her tears away. If her father was still here, he would be yelling at her to stop crying. She heard faint footsteps coming towards her way. She looked up to see a large black fox that looked like it was on fire, she notice that there were blue strikes here and there. It had blue eyes just like hers. It walked up to her then it turned into a tinny fox. She recognize this fox! She saved it not long ago. She reached out and pet it. She instantly felt a connection with the fox and something else? She then heard the building next to her blow up. She looked over to see an akuma pointing its guns at her. The fox turned back into the form when it was walking towards her and growled at the akuma, but then it was destroyed by a large monkey?

She turned her head around to see a tall lady with blonde hair, most of it was covering her left eye. She could see a scar over the bridge of her nose. She had silver-ish blue eyes and she was wearing a golden like uniform. She knew that she was an exorcist because she saw one fighting but they died, but they were wearing a different colored one. The exorcist kneel down in front of her.

"What's your name?" She asked in a sweet voice and her eyes told you that she cared.

"Kitsune." The seven-year-old said holding tight onto the katana.

"Kitsune, what a strong name..." She smiling down at the girl then she lifted her right hand up and petted her head, her monkey then landed on her shoulder but in a smaller form.

She felt weight on her right shoulder. She looked over to see that fox on her shoulder but in a smaller form. She looked back at the lady to see her eyes were wide but then they went back to a caring stare as she smiled at her.

"My name is General Cloud Nine. I'm an exorcist...I'm an accommodator of the innocence and you are too. Would you like to be an exorcist?" She asked in a soft voice and the little girl nodded her head.

The exorcist stood up and held out her hand. The little girl took it and they started walking out of the small town. The little girl didn't look back at the place were her father abused her everyday. She had an stoic face as they both walked out of her home town. From that day General Cloud Nine trained her and they always stayed by each other sides. She was like a mother to her and she was thankful that she saved her that day...

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