Chp.16 Level Four part 2

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The finders let the barrier down, right as they did, the level four shot towards her. She was able to block its attack. The level four smiled at her. She glared at it as she pushed it back. The finders hurried out of the area. She made the level four fly backwards across the area. She look back to see Komui, Kanda, and Choaji taking the elevator down to Hevlaska chamber. She look back at the level four to see it right in front of her face. She tried to create distance between them but she was too late. The level four punch her in the chest. She was sent flying across the area. She hit the wall and she felt the wind knock out of her. She coughed as she tries to catch her breath. She felt blood dripping down her face on the right side of her head. She felt her armor was still intact, which was a good sign that she was still synchronizing with her innocence still. She slowly stood up to her feet. The level four then grabbed her throat and push her to the wall. She groaned as pain shot through her head.

"You're hard to kill, General."

"Heh, you're gonna have to try harder." She chuckled lowly as she smirks at the level four. The level four scowled at her with glaring eyes. She knew she ticked it off.

Lenalee and Lavi walked down the stairs, with Rouvelier in front of them. Lavi stared at his back thinking about his family line and what they do. He narrowed his eye at the inspector suspiciously.

"Why exactly are you here, director?" He asked as they stopped in their tracks. "I mean I would actually like to know why you're in such a hurry?"

Rouvelier turned his head to look at Lavi and glared at him. "To protect the innocence of course, now let's go. We don't have all day." He says as he turns his head and continue down the stairs. They followed him down the flight of stairs. They followed him past the doors and towards Hevlaska.

When they were walking towards Hevlaska, they saw the platform coming down at high speed. They heard Komui yell Hevlaska name. Kitsune struggle to get out of its grip that it held around her throat. It had grabbed her then flew after Komui and the others. She clawed at its hand. It giggled before throwing her towards Komui and the others. It held out the hand that it held her throat with and shot a light beam towards them. She brought her sword in front of her to block it but she couldn't move her right arm. It hit her directly on her chest. She hit the plate form as another blast came from the level four. The plate form hit the ground and it crumble to pieces. Her body was flung across the floor and she laid flat on her stomach. Kanda had protected Komui from the second blast.

She groaned as she slowly got to her hands and knees. The level four stood to her right and it look down at her in wonder. It wonder why she wasn't dead yet. Wonder why it couldn't kill her. It kicked her in the stomach. She cough but she was still on her hands and knees. It kicked her again and again and again. She fell to the floor but it continue to kick her. She didn't know why she didn't do anything. She didn't know why she wasn't reacting, or moving to do anything to make it stop. She felt frozen in place. She knew she needed to react. To move. But then she started to doubt herself. Doubting that she could defeat the level four.

Dammit. Come on....

"KITSUNE!" Lenalee yelled as she held the railing to look over it.

She grab the level four right leg as she got to her hands and knees again. She chuckled as she stood up. "Sorry about that level four. It won't happen again." She threw the level four across the room. Kanda and Lavi were besides her after she threw the akuma. She bend down and grab her sword. She looked up at Lenalee to see Rouvelier grabbing her and yelling at Hevlaska to put her innocence back in her.

She look over at Kanda and Lavi. They nodded their head before they dashed forward. She ran behind them as they attack the akuma first. It swatted them away like flies. It shot towards her but she was ready this time. She stroked back at it. They exchanged blows after blows. The akuma jumped into the air and hovered. Kitsune ran up one of the big rubble and jumped in the air to attack the akuma. She swung her sword at it but it dodge her attack and hit her in the stomach. She flew back and hit the plate form Lenalee and Rouvelier was on. The akuma shot at Hevlaska. Hevlaska let go of Lenalee and she hit the floor as the innocence fell a few feet away from Lenalee. Kitsune move her head towards Lenalee direction to see the akuma place it's foot on her head as she reaches out for her innocence.

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