Better off alone

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Warning if you are easily triggered please skip this chapter. You will not miss much, next chapter will explain. If not please continue reading.

"Juniper honey where are you?" A distant voice called. We both sat up from the barre glancing at the door.

A small petite woman in her mid thirties rushed through the door.
"Anna!" She jumped to her feet running into the woman's arms.

"June I'm so sorry. Your brother couldn't make it today, he got a last minute business call." Anna smiled warmly at her

June nodded hugging Anna tightly.
Anna looked up at me, with juniper in her arms, gratefully.

"Thank you so much. This rarely happens, her brother always picks her up."

"It's okay. We had fun today didn't we juniper?!" She nodded enthusiastically fondling Anna's hair.

"She is a great dancer Anna. She looked like a prima ballerina" she gushed making me blush. Geez this kid really loves giving compliments.

"Sorry. June's like that! She loves giving compliments, total opposite of her ungrateful brother" she noted teasingly

We both laughed
"I'm her nanny by the way" we shook hands
"Ah Kay her assistant dance teacher. Part time" I added quickly

She giggled

Anna seemed cool.

"Well um I'll get out your way. It was nice meeting you Kay"

She called over her shoulder, sleeping June in her arms.

Monday morning, I was ambushed by Trent. Literally, every where I went he followed me around, bombarding me with numerous questions.

Where I've been?

When are we going to study?

And the last one was ironic.

Am I living a double life he doesn't know about?

Touché Trent.

I hid as much as I could, unfortunately my secret hiding spot in the library was compromised.

"Ballet Kendyl. Really? That's the big secret you couldn't tell me about"

Crap. Shit.

I removed my Math text book from my face pushing my glasses back up my nose.

I forgot to refill my contacts, these glasses were my worst nightmare. Unfortunately, my favorite ray bans prescription lenses were broken so I wasn't stuck with my mother's old reading glasses. Another unfortunate disaster, we were the same prescription medicine and her glasses were extremely old fashion.

"How did you find me?"
"Take one guess" he smirked knowingly

Freaking Melanie!

I sighed closed my book removing my glasses, my vision was good from close up but far away it was torture.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't think you'd be interested, you have your thing and I have mine"

He stared at me not saying a word, more presisly my mouth.

Do I have something there?

I touched my lips, his gaze darkened at the action, blinking rapidly. He cleared his throat running his hand his hair. He averted his gaze clearing his throat again.

"Kay.." he began but I stopped him before he could continue

"Look. Ballet is my life alright. I grew up with the spirt of ballet. I do it to relive stress or just when I want to be alone. When I dance..."

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