That Four Letter Word

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Month: March 2020
~~Two months after New Years

The  March breeze was slightly chilled today, the thin scarf I wore around my neck did not help at all.

"Damn weather people lying about it being it 65 degrees. Does this feel like sixty-five to you?" I grumbled to myself readjusting my orange spring dress.

"Kay hey! Come quickly!" I heard Melanie yell before I saw her.

She tugged me by my wrist pulling me up the sidewalk of the school and into the building.

"Wait! What's the big rush- Mel I can't run in these heels.." my voice trailed off at the sight of him. My stomach immediately did twists and turns, and not the good kind.

My breath caught when threw his back in laughter, a small crowd of friends surrounded him lovingly.

"He's back" Mel said nudging me playfully

"I don't care. He can go back to  Italy for all I care!" I hissed strutting passed him and his groupies.

Trent looked up just as I walked back, he called out. Briskly walking pass his friend to catch up to me, I made my way to my locker to exchange my books.

"Hey Kendyl! Wait up" he cashed taking my elbow. I shrugged him off ignoring his existence.

"Aren't you glad to see me?" He frowned leaning on a locker next to mine. 

I turned to him emotionless, well as emotionless as I can be. He broke my heart and ripped it to shreds, so no I was not happy to see him.

"What do you want Trent?"

"I came to see how you were doing. I know I left in a rush that night" he mumbled awaiting my reaction.

Too bad for him, I had no feelings left for him.

"Look-" I began completely annoyed and flustered by his presence.

"-I'm happy to hear you came back to graduate, and that it. I have nothing left to say to you" I snapped slamming locker shut walking

"Whoa whoa whoa. What's going on here"
He grasped by wrist spinning me around.

The hallway was emptying out as people escorted themselves to class.

"For god's sake Trent! You left me, you left standing there at the party looking like a fool. You didn't even tell me goodbye, you just ran letting me look like a damn fool!"

"I-" his shocked expression told me he was not expecting this reaction from me.

"I called you, you didn't have the decency to answer or even text me back! Did you even look at my text?"

He blinked releasing my arm

"That's what I thought. Now if you'll excuse me, I should get to class"

After classes I went straight to the dance studio, the little ones were performing a Chinese New Year piece for the  New Years and also celebrating the end of the program.

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