Unexpected Guest

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Hi guys! I will be posting updates but they will be slow and possibly be published later in the week. I work everyday throughout the week so it's getting pretty hard to post as much as I used to. But I will update as much as I can, I have many chapters prewritren just for you ❤️ thank you so much for constantly reading it means a lot.

Don't forget to comment
When I entered the facility, I was greeted by air conditioning. The ambiance was exhilarating, it made my skin tingle.
"Is that thee-ee Kendyl Johnson I see" I smiled

The presence of Michelle Trinity lightened my mood, the elderly woman engulfed me in her arms.

She squeezed me tightly, rubbing my back soothingly.
"How are are you my dear? I haven't seen you since you were this big" she signaled the height at her breast. The small petite woman aged over the five years, she was like another mother to me.

"Thank you Michelle. I've missed this place. It looks great by the way" I looked around the freshly painted white walled lobby, the marble floors sparkled.
"Yes it does. Doesn't it. I had it painted over the weekend. France was here not too long ago, you just missed him" she implied wiggling her brows.
"Oh Michelle. Stop it" I blushed.

Michelle was the director of the dance program here at "Little feet big dreams" dance studio, in Westbrook. Her son, France, was an active participant at the studio. We danced numerous numbers together, he was always my dance partner. Our partnership blossomed into something more, then little I did I know. Twelve year old Kendyl had a major crush on France. He was the only 14 year old, puberty had mercy on him, I myself had just grown into my petite frame and face. I had gotten rid of my braces over spring break and came back a new woman and France knew it too, he and I crushed on each other but no one ever had the nerve to confess.

He later moved away that year to live with with his father in England, I haven't seen or spoken to him since.

Well until today.
"I maybe be old but I knew things. I was pre-teen just like you were"

"Is the studio still open?" I asked looking around to my room in the corner.
"Just as you left it my dear. Sarah and I occasionally clean it from time to time, since I'm back it had just been cleaned" she nodded

"Thank you. It was nice seeing you" I gave her short hug before heading to the small studio.

The studio was approximately 350 sq feet, it had mirrors all around and barres; I loved it since I did ballet in the past, I came here whenever I was depressed and ready release my anger.

There was small closet in the room across the floor, from the door I entered in. I got changed into a pair of purple footless leggings, a sports bra and a swing tank on top. I quickly tied my hair up in a messy bun, securing with a rubber band.

The speaker I normally used with placed on the top shelf in the closet, with the cord.
Once everything was hooked up to my phone, I began to play my stretching music. The track was 15 minutes long but it was worth it, by doing so, my muscles were loosened and body became relaxed immediately.

I placed my nude leather canvas split-sole ballet shoes on my feet. After securing the elastics, I did 5 sets of ten jumping jacks to increase my blood flow, thus reducing my chances of spraining my ankle.

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