16: The Black Sheep

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After class, I made my way back to my car. Knowing Alex, if I were to delay my trip to the office, he'll call with another threat. I hadn't expected to see a stranger leaning against the side of my car. While I should have been annoyed that someone is leaning on my car so casually, the guy had looked slightly familiar. Yet I'm unable to pinpoint where I know him.

"Excuse me, but that's my car you're leaning on" 

"I know" He grinned as he straighten his posture.

To give him credit, he was a very good looking man. Any normal girl would fall for his easygoing grin and looks. Unfortunately for him, I've seen many good looking and beautiful men all my life.

"Ben Carter" He held out his hand to me.

I felt a bit surprised with the introduction. For the first time since I entered Yale, someone actually approached me. Observing the man for a moment, I sense there was no ill intention.

"Is there a reason for this introduction?" 

Even if there were no ill intention behind his smiles, I wasn't going to take a stranger's hand. 

"Just want to meet the person who solve Aion"

It took me a moment to process his comment. Aion? In that moment, several flashbacks struck me like lightning. Aion is or at least will be a technology and software company – a brilliant and successful one. Most importantly, the leader of the company was none other than Eli Frye. I remembered now. Ben Carter was one of the co-founders of Aion. 

Unconsciously, I searched for the familiar face and found the man himself sitting at one of the table outside of the campus main café nearby. Like always, he was surrounded by his gorgeous friends. Like always, there were people admiring him from a distance. As much as I hate to admit it, the man was beautiful.

"Eli Frye?" I said to myself – forgetting that Ben Carter was still in front of me.

"You know Eli?"

I had been careless and forgotten one of Eli's best friends was a Yale student. I faced Ben Carter and wondered what should I say? Seeing his amused smile, I could only nod. It's useless to lie and I have no reason to.

"Would you like to come over and say hello?"

I kept my expression neutral even though I have a feeling that the guy in front of me was studying my every move. He probably thought I was Eli's fan. Which isn't completely wrong because I had been in the past. Before, I would jumped at any chance to be close to Eli Frye. I would have forced my way to be within his group – to sit next to him, talk to him, and desperately try to get his attention. Recalling those memories, I felt embarrassed at my childishness. I remembered him ignoring me. Not once did he look at me.

"Sorry but I have somewhere I need to be" 

I needed him to move away from my car door so I could leave.

"Come, you don't have to be shy"

He took hold of my wrist and literally dragged me away. I was stunned. There weren't many people who are bold enough to take hold of me. Even as I tried to pull away from his grip, the guy was strong. It bothered me because I had self defense training the last 4 years. I was not that weak to be dragged like this. Clearly I needed more training.

"What are you doing?"

Eli Frye's cold and sharp voice did not surprise me – neither did his icy expression. All I ever known was his cold voice and icy expression. Ben Carter, on the other hand, quickly let go of my wrist like he was punched in the gut.

"Sorry" Ben apologized weakly.

I glared up at him.

"Hey Eli, she knows you"

I smirked at the guy clear attempts to avoid my anger. It was even clearer when his friends all were holding their chuckles. Ignoring them, I turned to face Eli Frye.

"Who are you?"

It was the same word spoken to me before. No matter what I tell myself, I couldn't stop my heart from skipping at the sight of him. Worst, seeing those violet eyes that held no recognition of me cause a twinge deep inside my heart. Why did I hope that he would know who I am when the man never once looked at me – speak to me? In that instant, I was reminded that I had never been anyone special to Eli Frye.

"Calla Lind"

I ignored the surprised look on his face. When I looked at his friends, I saw the same startled look on their face. They were surprised because I looked nothing like the stunning Rose. My hair, eyes, facial features and body build resemble nothing of Rose. Anyone would doubt my relationship to my sister.Rose was soft, petite, and delicate like a fairy tale princess. At most, I was pretty - the common type of pretty that anyone could find anywhere. 

"You're Rose's sister?" Ben eyes bulged out.

"The one and only" I couldn't help but giggle at his expression.

"She never mentioned you_" He stopped as soon as the words left his mouth.

From the look on his face, I knew he hadn't meant to be rude.

"Black sheep in the family" I shrugged lightly.

After what I've gone through in the past, I didn't care anymore about what other thinks of me. Just before the silence became awkward, my cell phone rang. I answered it without looking and flinched when I heard Alex threats to kill me. I'm sure everyone nearby could hear Alex threats if I don't show up in the next 30 minutes. Holding the phone away from my ear, I let the man vent his anger.

"I'm on my way" I hang up on the man while he was still scolding. "Bye"

Putting my phone back in my pocket, I returned my attention to the group.

"It was good meeting you all" 

I didn't realize how light my heart felt as I walked away. I have avoided Eli Frye for 4 years because I was afraid of my immature feelings. But seeing him again, I can finally put that emotion to rest. The old jealous and bitter Calla Lind no longer exists.

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