41: My Granddaughter

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"James" The head of the Suzuki clan voice broke everyone trance. "You're late my friend"


The two monarchs shared a handshake before Keita Suzuki stepped aside for his lovely wife Emi to greet James.

"And who is this lovely young woman" Emi immediately questioned with a warm smile.

"Can you not tell?" James said casually. "My granddaughter looks just like me"

People gasp with surprised. They're not surprised that the young woman was James Lid's granddaughter because it made absolute sense that she was – they were surprised that the cold man actually said it so proudly. The stoic old man doesn't even introduce his own son in the same manner.

"Granddaughter?" Emi eyes lit up as she stepped forward to take Calla's hand. "No wonder... she has your eyes"

James made a soft indignant snort like saying "of course" while Emi and Keita both chuckled.

"What is your name my dear?" Emi was still holding onto Calla's hand.

"Calla" Calla smiled politely. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Suzuki"

"Please, just Emi will do" Emi was smittened. "Calla, you're not seeing anyone at the moment are you?"

The people who ease dropped nearly tripped over themselves. The usually mild and quiet Emi Suzuki actually asked such bold question. Still, they listened on with great interest at Calla Lind status.

Meanwhile, Calla was a bit startled. The seemly harmless sweet old woman still hadn't let go of her hand. After a moment, Calla let out a soft laughter. She didn't know her soft laughter had charmed so many people.

"Can I take this as a no?" Emi smiled more – completely charmed by Calla easy-going attitude at her direct question.

"She's still too young" James voice was serious and stern.

"Don't fret James" Emi smiled at James. "Besides, I want them to meet first"

"Your grandson doesn't suit my granddaughter so the meeting is unnecessary" James was merciless with his words.

Again, people were surprised by James Lind protectiveness. They didn't even think James Lind had a heart to feel such emotions and yet he's actually doting on this granddaughter of his.

"James" Emi frowns at the man's frank words. "How could you say such a thing?"

"Now-now" Keita chuckled. "James is only kidding"

James expression showed he was not kidding the least. But before Emi got more upset, Calla lowered her head to whisper into the old woman's ear. When Emi smile bloomed, everyone was curious as to what was said.

"Come my dear; let me introduce you to some people"

Calla was then lead inside by Emi Suzuki, while Keita and James followed in after them. Just like that, the 18 year old Calla was targeted. Many head elders all came to greet James Lind, but it was easy to see that they were all interested in the granddaughter beside him. Amazingly enough, none of the elders approached James with their bachelor sons or grandsons. The elders all knew James Lind's temperament and realize not to be too direct or else they'll be shut down immediately just like Emi Suzuki. Instead, they showed interest in the young Calla – trying to gage her personality and interest.

After 2 solid hours of mingling, Calla turned to her grandfather and put on her usual polite smile while asking to be excuse. His slight wave of his hand let her know she could go. Turning her dimple smiles to her grandfather's acquaintances, she gave a polite tilt of her head before she left.

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