36: I'm A Lind

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"Come to New York next week"

New York again? I was proud with myself to have kept my expression calm while eating dinner with my grandfather.

"Why New York?"

I asked with an indifferent tone even though I already know the answer.

"For the Aion reveal"

"You know Allac has no obligation to go"

I faked a tired sigh while putting my knife and fork down.

"Aion is only secondary. The Suzuki Charity is the main reason for the trip"

Suzuki Charity is one of the famous charity events that happen every 3 years. Founded by Emi Suzuki who was a famous pianist back in the 18th hundred, Suzuki Charity is a nonprofit organization that is well respected in the high society. They're famous to help orphan children all over the world – funding living expenses as well education and music arts. Many of the orphans grew up successful and famous with the help of the organization.

"I have classes"

Suzuki Charity would be my first time attending the high profile event. The reason why I do not want to go is because of my memory of it. I had once attend the event at 16 years old. I had begged my parents to attend, believing it was a chance for me to outshine Rose. I had been obsession with Eli Frye – so blinded by my complex with my older sister that I made a complete fool of myself. I had wanted to stand out but instead received mocking laughter from a group of socialites. That was the beginning of my downfall. Hatred and bitterness consumed me while I took it all out on Rose.

"I already spoke to the university on your upcoming absence"

My grandfather voice brought me out of my deep memory.

"Grandpa" I kept my tone calm but my expression fierce.

"It will do you no good to continue to hide"

"I'm not hiding" I was indignant.

His slight raised of his brow let me know he did not believe me.

"You have forgotten that you're a Lind"

His statement startled me. I looked into his eyes and saw the disappointment. My heart hurts because I never thought to see it. I didn't think I still cared about anyone's thoughts for me. But my grandfather had been the one to invest in me 4 years ago – because he had been the one family member I had interact with since my rebirth, his opinions of me mattered.

"How could I forget?"

We were alone in a private dining room inside an exclusive restaurant. Every time I'm with my grandfather James Lind, we're always treated like royalty. Even though I was born with a golden spoon – I didn't know the true meaning of elite until my grandfather showed me. For the last 4 years, I've learned by observing grandfather what it meant to be a Lind and the power behind the name. A person can be wealthy but it doesn't mean he will be respected. James Lind is a highly respected man.

"Where would I stay?" I asked softly – my gaze still at the city night lights.

"Lime Chateau"

I turned to look at him with a smile. Lime Chateau is a stunning castle built up in the hills outside of New York City limits. It's a hidden jewel that belongs to the head monarch of the Lind Empire. It had been that way for over 400 years. James Lind had inherited the chateau from his grandparents. I've only been to the hidden chateau once as a little girl so I don't remember much of it. It had been grandfather's private estate so it's rare that he allow visitors.

"I can stay at a hotel grandpa" I laughed softly knowing that the old man doesn't like visitors in his home – even if it's his children and grandchildren.

The old man likes his privacy. I get it because I'm the same way with my own haven.

"This isn't a business trip" My grandfather said with his usual stoic face. "You don't need to stay at hotels. Lind Corp will not expense your lavish lifestyle"

He was getting back at me for putting those childish terms on my travel expenses.

"I'm a Lind, it's in my blood to live the lavish life" I volleyed back at him.

He made a snort before he continued eating his chicken. Seeing that the conversation is over, I turned my attention back at the city skyline. New York – Suzuki Charity – Rose – mother – father – Eli Frye – so many thoughts circled my mind. It's been 4 years since I came back to my former 14 years old self. I didn't follow my family – my sister to New York like I did before. I didn't chase after Rose's shadow and study music and arts. I didn't force myself to the limits in order to get into Julliard's just to be known simply as Rose Lind's sister. I didn't shamelessly wedge between Rose and Eli. Instead, I stayed in New Haven and live the way I wanted. There was no pressure – no expectation – no complexity as I live independently. By myself, I gain self-worth, respect, and dignity. There was no need to push myself to compete with a shadow. I was able to just live as Calla Lind – meet people as Calla Lind – have people saw me as Calla Lind. As sad as it was, I was happy because there was no constant pressure from my parents to be like Rose.

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