49: Sora Tower

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I made my escape back to New Haven the same night. My sixth sense told me to leave New York before troubles find me. Trusting it, I quickly got my things from the chateau and bolt.

"Good morning Miss Calla"

"Good morning George"

Ok, so I might have convinced the sweet old butler to come with me. My grandfather have many people working for him... so he probably won't even notice if George was gone.

"I've prepared some strawberry banana crepe and maple yogurt. Would you like some before your morning tea?"

"Yes please" I happily skipping over to the kitchen counter.

Just as I begin to eat, the chime to the condo floor rung. George promptly answered it through wireless dock phone and left to give me peace while I had breakfast.

"A delivery for you Miss Calla"

George came back moments later with a stunning bouquet of 100 stem multi-color calla lilies.

"There isn't a card or note on who they're from"

"That's ok" I already knew who they were from. "There's a vase in the cabinet under the sink. If you could help me get them arranged?"

"Of course"

Once the calla lilies are beautifully arranged in the glass vase, he set them on the bar counter for me to enjoy while I continue to eat.

After breakfast, I had some free time to play my newly owned violin before heading to the university in the afternoon. I rarely have the time to play leisurely so the chance to play at my own pace was nice.

Meanwhile in the ground floor lobby of Sora Tower.

Three people were have difficulty getting into Calla Lind's condo. The receptionist have tried to notify Calla but no one is answering. All the while, the receptionist was faced with 3 people claiming to be Calla's father, mother, and sister. Unfortunately for the receptionist, the father was extremely overbearing as he demanded entrance. While she understood that his anger stems from his rights as a father wanting to see his daughter, she was troubled by her duty as an employee at Sora Tower. 

Sora Tower is one of the most exclusive residential tower in the city. Each condo unit is catered to the elite, famous, and powerful. One of their biggest selling point was their absolute respect for their client privacy. Therefore, it doesn't matter if a person comes and claims to be family member or love ones - unless the client specifically have your name in their guest list, you cannot enter their resident. This was their one number policy.

Michael Lind was angered beyond belief. There had never been a place that he'd stepped into and not received entrance. His pride and ego took a beating because not only was he denied entrance – the admission was to his own daughter's condo. Right before he explodes, his wife took hold of his arm.

"Dear, you need to calm down"

"That insolent girl is refusing to let her own family in? Who does she think she is? Who does she think we are?"

"Daddy" Rose took his other arm and said gently. "Calla might be occupied with something right now to answer the call. Let's wait a while and the receptionist can try again"

"What could be so important for her to ignore us?" Her mother was not happy with the situation either. "To embarrass her family like this"

"Mom, Calla doesn't even know we're here"

But her parents were too livid to think with reason. Rose pulled out her pink gold IPhone thinking to make a call. But her fingers froze on the screen when she realized she doesn't have Calla's number. A sense of loss and guilt creep up inside her as she could only put away the phone.

"Enough of this"

Rose panicked as she saw how angry her father was. The hotheaded man will barge his way through even with the 2 security guards blocking the elevator lobby entrance.

"What's going on here?"

The familiar voice made Rose turned to see Eli Frye and Ben Carter.

"Rose?" Ben saw Rose and was surprised. "What are you doing here?"

Before Rose get to respond, Ben saw her parents – both looking flustered with resentment.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Lind" Ben gave his usual polite smile.

Michael was too irritated to respond while his wife appeared embarrassed.

"We can't seem to reach Calla" Rose felt embarrassed to as she explained to Ben and Eli.

Ben glanced at the receptionist who once again tried to call Calla. When she apologetically shook her head, Ben understood that Calla was not picking up. Amused, he turned to look at Eli who was expressionless as ever.

"Miss Calla won't mind her family and friend unexpected visit" Ben smiled at the receptionist.

Before the receptionist argued back, Ben smiles sharpened as his eyes flicked to the emotionless Eli Frye next to him.

"I'll take full responsibility"

The receptionist was nervous. Not many people know this but Eli Frye is the Owner of Sora Tower. While the receptionist isn't completely aware, she sensed Eli Frye was an important figure. Once, she has seen the property manager bowing low to the man as he exited the office.

Unable to say another word, the receptionist gave a nervous nod to the guards as they stepped aside for the group to enter the elevator lobby. Once she was alone, the woman let out a nervous breath. She could only hope her decision did not cost her job.

CALLANơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ