44: Accompaniment

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"How can there be a performance without a proper accompany" Emi smiled at me. "If only my grandson is here, he would be the perfect"

"Since he isn't, why don't my grandson take the place?"

Emi didn't hide her frown as Ayla Shah stepped forward with a tall man at her side. Dressed in a simple white gold robe and shawl, the 65 year old woman is an Arabian princess and the great aunt of the current Arabic Sultan. The 24 years old tall, dark and gorgeous young man standing beside her is her 4th grandchild and her only grandson Malik Shah – a bonafide Arabic Prince. It was no secret to the world that the Arabian princess will leave her entire fortune to her favorite, dearest grandson. And since the Shah family owns more than half of the world's oil production, it was easy to understand just how much wealth the young prince will inherit.

"Oh, how can we ask his highness to lower himself" Emi said politely even though her words hinted otherwise.

"It's a gentleman duty to accompany a lady. My grandson will do" Ayla spoke regally like any royal princess would.

While the two women continue to exchange words, I look on wryly. Seriously, it's only a quick performance. Why are they making such a big deal out of nothing? It finally took Keita Suzuki to come get his wife before things finally moved along. Pouting, Emi stood to the side, while Ayla patted her grandson hand. Chuckling softly, the prince went to the piano.


To my surprised, Rose stepped forward and looked at the prince with pleading eyes.

"Calla is my sister..." She said softly.

It was strange to see her worried. Moreover, I noticed there was something going on between the prince and my sister. At least it was clear that they knew each other. When the prince chuckled with a carefree expression, I wondered why Rose appeared hurt.

It wasn't until the prince begins to play that I understood. Clearly, the man did not care to "accompany" anyone. Without asking me, he already begin to play Chopin's Nocturnes in F Minor. Everyone was transfixed with his performance. Even I couldn't help but feel amazed. The man was good – clearly a prodigy. While Rose's style was beautiful and graceful, Malik Shah showed overwhelming power and control. If the two were to play side by side, Malik Shah will drown Rose's sound out easily. It was too intense – the speed and the power.

The same women who taunted me before all were giggling off to the side. I knew they were happy that the prince did not plan on letting me perform smoothly. On the other hand, Ayla Shah and Emi Suzuki were frowning. Everyone looked at me with pity because they thought Malik Shah's intensity was too much for anyone to compete with. Little did they know I wasn't afraid of the intimidation ploy?

Setting the viola on my shoulder, I held the bow above the strings. Closing my eyes, I listened to the thunderous sound of the piano and waited. As soon as he struck on a certain chord, I glide the bow against the strings. Opening my eyes, I watched my fingers slide slowly through the strings. I wanted to test the limits of the small viola. The louder and faster Malik Shah played, the slower and higher I played.

The man had no choice but to eases back and slow his tempo or the sound of my viola will drown him out. When he switched to the slow and deep Mozart Concerto No.23, I smiled and speed up. Since the man refused to accompany me like he was asked to, I will force him to submission with the infamous Nancarrow Player Piano piece. He wanted to play a fast and complex piano piece? I will show him I can play faster than him. He wanted to compete? Let's see who will win in the end.

As the sound of the piano was faint, it allowed me to finish with a variant of what I started with. When the final sound of the viola was played, I set the small viola at ease. Looking at the dazed crowd, I smiled and gave a bow. It wasn't until Lily squealed and clapped her hands that everyone followed suit. Laughing softly at the happy little girl, I walked over to her and handed back the viola. I thanked her softly before she rushed back to her parents. I watched how she hugged her viola tight in her embrace before someone took gentle hold of my arm. Turning I saw it was Ayla Shah.

"Your highness_"

"Ayla" She corrected me with a warm smile. "Let me apologize for my grandson behavior. I have spoil him greatly"

I laughed softly at her honesty.

"Come with me and meet him"

"Grandpa would not allow it"

I didn't want to meet the jerk who tried to make a fool out of me. And I was not shameless to use my grandfather as an excuse.

"You do not like my grandson" Ayla was amused at my refusal. "Although he is a prince?"

I laughed softly, my eyes meet her sparkling gaze. She was not upset or offended with me.

"I'm a Lind" I replied with a smile.

We both shared an understanding smile until Andy came over.

"It seems your grandfather will not allow it after all" Ayla sighed softly.

Excusing myself to the Arabic princess, I follow Andy back to where grandfather was.

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