31: Victor Contra

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Several days after the chess game with my grandfather, I saw in the business news that Lind Corp. had a press conference concerning the new CEO selection. John Reid – the senior VP, will be acting as the temporary CEO until one of the four VPs is selected for the position permanently. When I heard Victor Contra name as one of the VPs, I had to smile.

So he finally made his move.

For 10 years, Vic had been the head secretary of James Lind. The position could be seen as a step higher than any VPs. Beside the CEO, no one is closer to the Owner than the Head Secretary. So to be sudden listed as VP, many within the company would see it as a demotion. Suddenly, I was curious to know how Victor Contra would respond to his new position.

Peeking in the floor that Vic was now in charge of, I could feel the tension as everyone was whispering back and forward about their new VP – the infamous head secretary who was replaced by a younger man. It was funny to hear what people thinks sometimes. Making my way to the Vice President of the North Hemisphere Commerce and Development, I saw Nicole, Victor's assistant, rushing out the office with a troubled expression. She looked hurt but the strong woman refused to show tears.

"Calla, you're here" When she saw me, she quickly head over."You must heard about what happen. I can't believe it. How can Mr. Lind replace Victor with that brat"

I understood why Nicole was angry and disappointed. She was livid that her boss was replaced despite all the work he had done.

"Is it ok for me to go in?" I point into Vic's office.

"Victor isn't in the best mood right now..."

"I'll be careful" I smiled to reassure her.

Inside Vic's new office, the man was sitting behind his large desk. As usual he was working through a large stack of files, but instead of a calm, cool composure, he was visibility pissed. It didn't surprise me to see Vic resentment to the sudden change. Worst, grandfather probably never told or give any hints to his decision. My best guess was the old man threw him directly into the pit of fire.

"You'll ruin your handsome face scowling like that"

Startled, Vic looked up as soon as he heard me. Seeing me, his eyes soften like it always does.

"What are you doing here Calla?" He asked while he closed the file and set his pen on it.

"Just wondering what your new office view is like"

I made my way to the curtain wall to see the skyline view. His floor was a lot lower than grandfather's office – but still, it had a good view of the City. After a long moment, I turned to see him also looking at the skyline – but there was no interest or joy in his eyes.

"Are you really that upset about the office?"

"You know it's not the office I'm upset about"

"But you're upset" I smiled softly.

"Should I not be?" He turned back to his desk, looking at the huge pile of work before him.

I could feel the resentment floating above his head.

"Vic, how many years have you work for grandpa?"

"10 years" He answered me directly even while he continues to go through the documents.

"That's a long time"

He didn't respond.

"I'm curious, working for grandpa this long, you never thought to take over his position one day?"

His pen froze.

"Surely, you don't want to be a secretary for the rest of your life, do you?"

Setting the pen down, he turned around to look at me once again. He and I both know if he chose to stay as the head secretary for the Owner – it'll be a permanent position. While the Head Secretary is a respectable position, there was no status to it. Like a double-edged sword - you have to answer to the Owner, but at the same time, everyone else will see you only as a "secretary".

"Grandpa suddenly switch your position from secretary to VP. Do you really think it's a demotion?"

"Did he tell you something?"

"You know that old man won't tell anyone his thoughts" I smirked. "And I know better than to ask him about his business"

"What are you telling me Calla?"

I rolled my eyes because I knew he understood what I was telling him. But the man persistent to hear it out loud.

"Instead of waiting for him to choose his protégé, why don't you step up and take the position yourself?"

I laughed at his startled expression. He was capable – more capable than anyone in the business.

"Don't you get it?"I smiled. "He's giving you the opportunity to take it"

"I'm not his family_"

"It's the 22nd century Vic" I rolled my eyes again. "Make no mistake, James Lind doesn't care about blood kin. He will choose the strongest and most capable person to leave his legacy to."

Victor Contra know this too after working for James Lind for so many years. But he hadn't believe it until he heard those words from me.

"Do your best Victor Contra" I gave the man a bright smile.

Hopefully the man take my words seriously and aim for the CEO position. This King - Victor Contra will be hard to replace if he fails.

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