42: The Overdue Apology

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"I've should have known..."

I was sitting in one of restroom stalls, tiredly hoping the event would end soon. How ridiculous and naive I had been in the past for wanting to go to these types of social events? Because I was desperate to be "seen" and "notice" by Eli Frye, I completely missed that in these events, the more you stand out the greater the inconvenience – especially if you're single.

At these types of social events, single women are all judged as potential brides while single men are judged as potential husbands. For me – because I was Calla Lind – because James Lind had called me his "granddaughter", I will face more and more prospective suitors whether I like it or not. I have forgotten that crucial fact.

"Did you find out who that girl was?"

"Yes. She's Rose Lind's sister"

"Ugh, another greedy bitch hoarding all the attention"

"Just like her older sister, trying to catch another Eli Frye"

"I don't care who she try to catch, she better stay away from Malik"

It didn't surprise me when I hear the group of girls outside talking about Rose and me. Once upon a time, I had been one of those girls – burning with jealousy and hatred toward my perfect older sister. Still, no one feels good hearing others talk about you so vulgarly. I guess this is my "karma".

After the girls left the restroom, I continue to sit on the closed lid contemplating on escaping. Glancing down at my omega watch, I sighed. The reality is the night is still a far long from being over and there was no use in me continuing to hide.


I had thought to go back to where grandfather was until I heard a familiar voice. I stopped and turned to see Rose in a stunning red silk dress. Of course, beside her was Eli Frye. Eli's parents and my parents were there was well. I hadn't want to go to over as I noticed my father quiet expression, but seeing Rose's warm smile as she waved me over, I couldn't ignore her.

Again, that bitter feeling creep up inside me as I realized how she never called over until now. While Rose never show malice toward me in the past – she never paid attention much either.

Why the sudden change in interest in having me close?

"Why did you not tell us you were coming?"

As soon as I was within ear range, my father interrogated me with a stern expression.

Since when did he care about my whereabouts?

"Grandfather ordered that I go with him last week" I answered calmly. "I thought grandfather told you"

I pushed the blame to the old man since he was the reason why I was here. Hearing my answer, my father scowl didn't lessen. At least he didn't scold me further.

"If you are in New York, why didn't you come to the family mansion?"

I turned to face the beautiful woman who Rose was the exact duplicate of. One reason why Rose was loved so much was because she took after our mother a lot.

"Grandfather told me to stay at the chateau"

My expression didn't change even when with startled look on my mother's face. The Lime Chateau had been the estate my mother love and wish to inherit. That is if grandfather gives it to my father. But so far, the old man has not made his will nor has he give clues as to whom he will leave his money and estate to. For over a decade, the old man has lived alone and shows no interest in his children or grandchildren. James Lind's sole focus had been Lind Corp.

"When did you become close to your grandfather?"

Although it was my father who questioned me, I knew my mother and sister felt the same way. In fact, a lot of people wondered when and how I became close to grandfather. To be honest, I don't know how either. It just happened.

"What is your objective?"

That questioned not only startled me – it hurt me.

"Daddy" Rose wasn't the only one who saw the hurt in my quiet expression.

Not wanting to show any further weakness, I calmed my heart. Slowly, I looked back at the man who was supposed to be my father. All I saw was a stranger with no warmth. In front of his closest friend, he had completely disregarded me by questioning my integrity. Instead of believing that I was fulfilling my role as a good granddaughter, with that one question, he had pretty much labeled me as a "gold-diggers". He assumed my goal was money, wealth, and status. He doesn't know I never needed or cared any of those things.

"Calla" Rose went to me with a smile. "It's been so long since we talked just between the two of us"

We never once talked about anything.

"Mom, dad, excuse us for a moment"

Rose took my hand and leaded me to an empty corner of the room. Alone, we turned to look out at the lit up garden against the beautiful starry night.

"Dad is only surprised. He doesn't mean anything by it so don't take his words to heart"

I didn't understand why Rose needs to speak up for father – especially, since we know our father had been serious when he said those words to me.


I felt a deep bitterness when Rose apologized.

"Why are you apologizing?"

Her eyes were gazing up at the sky.

"We both know it's long overdue"

Hearing her says those words, I understood. While it had been me who had always been mean and rude to Rose, my perfect older sister had knew why I had behaved that way toward her. She had always been kind, but at the same time, she had been cruel as well. She knew just how much attention our parents had been on her while ignoring me completely. While she could do no wrong in father's eyes, everything I did was reprimanded. When father scold or lecture me, she could have easily gotten him to let it go, but she didn't. She had so much power over our parents that I could never understand why she couldn't share their affection. All I wanted was just a small part of their heart.

Now, it didn't matter anymore. I've realized I can live without their love.

"You don't need to apologize"

I looked up at the sky, seeing the infinite numbers of stars.

"You've grown stronger" Rose turned to look at me with a soft smile – revealing a hint of sadness behind it. "While I haven't change"

"Why would you need to change?"

  Rose only responded with that faint sad smile.

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