50: The Unexpected

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The ride up in the elevator cab was deafening. Michael Lind was composed while his wife kept hold of his arm. Standing between her father and Eli, Rose felt unsettled with the turn of events. She had wanted to talk to Eli but didn't know where to begin. It was even more difficult when Eli held his usual unapproachable aura. So many years beside him and Rose still does not understand Eli Frye.

Meanwhile Ben Carter was observing quietly. No one noticed the amused grin on his face.

As the elevator slowly approached the 42nd floor, Michael Lind eyes sharpened as he itched to see his youngest daughter. He had been ready to reprimand the girl until the sound of the violin blasted through the crack of the elevator door.

Träumerei, Op. 21

Through the entrance glass doors, they saw a figure – dressed simply in gray cotton shorts and white t-shirt. The morning sunlight shines softly through the curtain wall behind her. 

She stood in the center of the living room with a violin on her shoulder. Her eyes were closed as her body swayed gently with the sound of the violin. She was immersed in her own world and allowed nothing – no one to enter. The dimple on her cheeks expressed her current happiness.

Then she opened her eyes to see more than one had entered her world without permission. Immediately, her smiles were replaced by an empty expression.

"George, could you let my unexpected guests in?"

The old butler had been startled when he saw the crowd at the entrance. He had proud himself as a first class butler with over thirty years of experience. Not once did he make a mistake. It was unacceptable for his master or mistress to receive unexpected guest like this. But because Calla Lind violin had entranced him, he had completely missed several calls made from the lobby receptionist.

"It's alright George"

As if Calla knows what the old butler was thinking, she smiles reassuringly at him. George quickly made his way to the entrance and opened the glass double doors.

"What honor do I have to receive so many guests today?"


"Daddy, please" Rose quickly stepped in before him with pleading eyes.

Calla was purposely being impertinent, but who could blame her when her haven was invaded like this.

"Calla" Rose turned to her younger sister and smiled softly. "We should have called before we came... but it's your birthday and so we wanted to come see you"

Rose quietly stop when she realized how ridiculous she sounded. Calla's lifted brow was a clear indication that she felt the same. For 19 years, they did not care about her birthday. Why do they care now? Moreover, for the last 5 years, they have not seen or spoken to each other once. Now they chose this day to come see her?

Too lazy to figure how what her family was thinking, Calla gave a casual smile before she went to put her Liebig away. It was only then did they notice the wall filled with violins. As a classical musician, Rose could easily recognize quality when she sees it. Even Michael Lind was amazed by his young daughter violin collection. 

Their admiration of the collection was soon cut short as Calla casually pushed the end of the wall - returning the wall to it's original position. Now all that was seen is the full height book selves.

"Excuse me while I put something more appropriate on" Calla walked off not - once did she look at any of her guests. "George, if you could serve the guest some refreshments"

George quickly went to work while Calla walked into her bedroom leaving Ben and Eli amused, Rose confused, and their parents angry.

"She dares put that attitude and treats me like some guest" Michael slammed his hand on the coffee table, causing the cup to spill over.

George effortlessly removed the cup and proceeds to replace it without a change in his calm demeanor. All a while, Rose and her mother tried to calm the angry man. Eli Frye sat casually in the lounging chair with a cup of coffee in his hand as he looks on quietly at the close door Calla just disappeared off to. Ben Carter sat in the lounging chair opposite to Eli Frye, watching the whole seen with amusement.

Meanwhile in her bedroom suite, Calla did not have any reaction even though she clearly hears her father's outrage. She was used to him calling her ungrateful and rude. Sadly, her father's words no longer held any meaning to her.

It's unfortunate that the peaceful morning of her nineteenth birthday was interrupted like this.

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