Chapter 24: Bowing to Family

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On the first full moon of winter, I wore a fire red bridal dress. Within the Fa Family residence, I was on my knees before my grandfather who sat in the front center of the main hall. There had been only a few people present – grandfather, uncle Zedong, Min, and Li. Their presence had been enough for me. All I wanted was to bow and give thanks to the people who had given me so much happiness. For 8 years, I have received love, kindness, protection, and care without any expectation in return. 

One by one, I handed the cup of tea to my grandfather, uncle and older cousin. Each time, they would gently pat my head with a smile on their face. Grandfather made it clear to me that I would always be his granddaughter. Uncle Zedong told me the Fa's will always be my home. Min promised to always be there for me. Those words brought me to tears while I bowed my head to the floor, pressing my forehead against the back of my hands. Just like eight years ago, in the rain, covered in mud, I had bowed like this.

Min carried me to the large carriage pulled by 8 horses. The leading horse had been Yun. Following behind the carriage was 12 maids in pink and 3 dozen soldiers in black armors. The silver tiger emblem on the carriage let people know who the bride belonged to. 

I felt joy and sadness as the carriage took me away from Fa Mansion. The carriage was covered with sheer red curtains. Through the curtains and red veil over my head, I could barely see figures and shadows in the streets. Many people were standing off the side, watching with excitement at the bridal carriage. I could hear the children laughter. I could see the small figures waving their hands. When I lifted my hand, waving back, they squealed with delight.

People who saw this were surprised. Everyone knew Wang Feng and his reputation as a cold, ruthless man. They had assume his bride was the same, instead, they saw her soft small hand waving back every time a small innocent child waves. With one simple act, they couldn't help but smile at the bride's kindness.

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