Chapter 32: The Foreign Princess

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Wang Feng was annoyed. He was more than annoyed - he was pissed. Sitting outside in the hot sun, he already had to endure the heat. But to have him endure yearning looks from little girls was making him angry.

Wang Feng was born and raised into his position as general. While other thought it was handed it him, he had worked hard for it. He knew he was ruthless - but who is not ruthless to their enemies? He knew he was cold - but why does he have to be nice? He knew he was strong - so why does he have to defer to anyone weaker than him? In this world, only the strong can live freely.

"Father, I want him"

Wang Feng arctic eyes held no emotion while he drink the cup of wine. He didn't want to deal with spoil little foreign princess who think she could get him as a prize. This wasn't the first time - which is why he gets more irritated each times it happens. Even though people already knew he have a wife, they still persist.

"Well, what do you say Emperor?" The head chief of the neighboring country indulged his daughter. "Does the young general care to take my daughter as his wife?"

Everyone eyes went to Wang Feng who sat lazily in his seat. Dressed in black robe, gold and silver vest, and black slash tied at the waist, Feng had his long jet black hair tied up with his usual phoenix stick. Both side of the country - whether they're men or women, could not deny Wang Feng devilish good looks. What's most attractive about the man is his confident unreadable eyes.

"General Wang Feng" The Emperor smile was playful when he regard the young general sitting directly to his right. "What do you think?"

Wang Feng lifted his wine cup and a palace maidimmediately refilled his cup.

"I already have a wife" Feng voice was calm.

"So" The foreign princess spoke out. "Divorce her"

"I don't like repeating myself" Feng eyes went so cold that her heart fluttered and shivered at the same time. "I already have a wife. My Wang Fei will be the only wife I'll take"

"Father" She turned to her father with a pout while pointing her finger at Wang Feng. "I want him. Make his divorce his wife! He must be mine!"

Everyone was shocked at her boldness, while Wang Feng ignored it.

"Now, now child" The chief laughed as if his daughter action was normal. "General Wang, it's normal for a man to have more than one wife. Why don't you have another? My daughter will be your main wife and the other can be second_"

"No" Wang Feng said one word without a glance at the chief or his people.

The chief was stunned at the direct refusal. He had heard about the famous young general and was already warn of his cold personality by his advisors. Many neighboring provinces was defeated by this young man. Even if he was a chief - a ruler himself, he had to be careful on how to tread around this young general.

"You dare behave this way in front of my father"

A young man who was a carbon copy of the princess, except the more masculine version, spoke out with a defiant stare.

"Is this how your people act in front of royalties?"

"Royalties?" Feng leaned back and smirked, finally looking toward the supposed guest. "This is the first time I met such desperate royalties. Are there no fine men or general in Ruichai? For a princess to beg her father for man from another country is quite amusing"

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