Chapter 36: Glaring

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                When Feng and I arrived to the banquet grounds, the sun had already set. The previously opened field now held 2 rows of tents. Each tent has a low table in the center with four palace maids at each corner of the tent holding a lantern. Everyone had changed clothing to suit the lovely night banquet. And everyone was already seated in their respective tent when Wang Feng and I entered. It was fortune that the dark night had hidden my redden cheeks because anyone would have seen that I was embarrassed. Because of my injured leg, Wang Feng was carrying me in his arms.

"General Wang Feng and Princess Fa Wei Lan have arrived" A eunuch announced.

The dark blue robe Wang Feng wore had brought out the attractive blue hue of his eyes. The color had been compelling and beautiful despite the coldness of it. Ignoring the silent stares, Feng carried me to the empty tent beside the golden tent where the emperor and empress sat.

"Does your leg still hurt?" He whispered after he set me down on the pillow seat.

"The medicines helped" I answered with a soft smile.

Giving me a gentle patted before he sat beside me, I watched as several eunuchs came to set plates of pastries and bottles of wine.

"My Wang Fei does not drink wine. Bring her tea"

"Y_ yes" The eunuch quickly followed orders.

Keeping quiet, I sat there while Feng placed the plate of moon cakes in front me. At the same time, the emperor announced the start of the night banquet.

Two dozen beautiful dancers in shades of red entered to the sound of the drums. While nibbling on the moon cake, I watched the beautiful dance of ribbons. Zhou Qing? I almost dropped the moon cake in my hand at the sight of my younger cousin. She was clearly distinguished from the other dancer in her pink dress. Barely 16 years old but her body was movement fluid – her eyes seductive.

My heart went cold. Hou Rong. He was staring at me. This was the day – the day that marked the beginning of my end. This was the day that he supposedly saw my younger cousin, Zhou Qing. He had married her the same month as his official wife. And for the following 8 years, my cousin had tortured my heart and finally poisoned my body until it was too late for me to realize.

"Is the cake not good?"

Wang Feng's deep voice brought my eyes to him. It wasn't until then that I noticed Feng's gentle long fingers playing with the long strand of my hair before setting it behind my ear. The long earring I wore had a single blue stone dangle from it. His eyes were all on me while his fingers toyed with the blue stone.

"It's good..." Suddenly feeling shyly, I finish the moon cake in my hand.

My heart that was cold seconds ago was beating hotly at Feng's attention. Wang Feng wasn't interested in watching the dancers. Instead, he was playing with my hair and earring while he lazily sat back with a cup of wine. Trying to steady my heart, I looked back at the dancers. When I saw a flash of anger crosses my young cousin face, I was startled. It was only for a split second, but I saw the glare in her eyes. We haven't seen each other since we were children and I hadn't done anything to receive such glares. Shouldn't it be me giving glares? I was not the one who thought to harm others. Not wanted to be reminded of the past life, I decided to ignore Zhou Qing completely. That was my old life. Hou Rong and Zhou Qing have nothing to do with me anymore.

My attention left my cousin only to meet eyes with the foreign princess. Again, I was faced with a glare. Again, why was it that I am being glared at so fiercely? But then it had to do with the gorgeous devilish man sitting beside me. Sighing softly, my eyes left hers and continued on.

Once again, I met glaring eyes from Chen Hua Lan. Defeated, I look up into the starry night. I knew Chen Hua Lan was indeed, in love with Wang Feng. I felt guilty for Chen Hua Lan because if not for me, Wang Feng would have been hers. The seat I'm in now had belonged to her in my past life. If not for me, Wang Feng probably would be touching her hair - her earring. The thought saddens me. When I felt the back of his fingers lazily sliding against my cheek, I turned to see his soft smiles. How could any woman resist this man charm?

Looking down at my hands - at the red and blue jade bracelet on my wrist, I couldn't help but wonder if the jades truly belong to me.

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