Chapter 58: Drugged

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*WARNING: The following content HEAVILY contains sexual content that is unsuitable for children.*

Wang Feng kept his distance. He doesn't touch or look at me while he comes and goes from Wang Mansion. At night, we would sleep separately. He left me alone in our room, while he stayed in the study. The tension was noticed by his family but no one said a word. I kept a soft smile on my face not wanting to worry them. Even though I wanted to cry out, I did not dare to.

Days became weeks. Wang Feng distance became further and further. We no longer spoke – no longer touch – no longer look at one another. I could only hold the pain until the nights - only then did I dare to cry.

"Fa Wei Lan"

I was in the market shopping for daily necessity, when Chen Kang suddenly approached me. Seeing him, I understood that he was there for his sister. I knew there was no way for me to avoid the meeting with Chen Hua Lan.

That same afternoon, Chen Hua Lan and I were sitting alone in the large private room. She had served me tea before we spoke. I was quiet while Chen Hua Lan spoke.

A woman can be very persistent when it involves the person she loves. Chen Hua Lan became very persistent. She cannot accept the truth that she was rejected. Instead, she blamed me. She believed that I had influenced Wang Feng's choice – stopped him from having her. She wasn't completely wrong. I could not share my husband. I won't let her take Wang Feng. So whatever she wanted to say to me, I let her vent.

It wasn't until my body heated and my mind went hazy that I realized that I was again, trapped. My eyes went to Chen Hua Lan and saw the terrifying calm smiles. She had drugged the tea. While she head toward the door, I staggered toward the window. My body was burning when she let several men into the room. Fear overtook me knowing what her intent was. I shook my head and plead her with my eyes. Don't do this. She closed the door and locked me inside.

The men were like wolves, slowly approaching me with malice leers. Before they could get to me, I threw myself against window. No one but Feng could touch me.

I woke up in flames. Feeling hands on me, I screamed and fought off the touch. I couldn't see. I couldn't hear. Screaming, I pushed harder but several hands were holding me down. Screaming louder in tears, I begged for them to let me go. I screamed for Feng. I screamed for help. But the hands kept holding me down. Unable to fight off the hands on me, I could only do what's left. I bit down on my tongue. But before my teeth could sever tongue, someone grabbed my mouth and forced it open. I bit down at the fingers prying my mouth open.


I heard his voice, Feng's voice. My eyes cleared. I was in our bed. Li Xia, mother, father, grandmother, and Feng all stood beside the bed. Mother and Li Xia were using their whole body to hold me down. When I realized Feng's finger was in my mouth, I let go with a coughed. I had tasted blood.


Feng pushed both Li Xia and mother off me; holding my shaking body up to him.

"Feng is here. Your Wang Feng is here"

I cried as he held me tight.

"What happen to my Wang Fei!"

I was in and out a daze.

"G_ general Feng" I heard an unfamiliar voice but my eyes couldn't focus anymore. "T_ The princess has been drugged"


"The princess has been drugged with an aphrodisiac. The dose given to her is strong. It's strong to the point where she's experiencing illusions. Her mind is in and out of consciousness. I doubt that she could even see or hear her current surrounding"

"There must be a way to get rid of it" Li Xia was in tears while she shouts at the doctor. "You must have a way to get rid of the drug in her system"

"The drug is already flowing in the princess' blood, there's no way for me to clean it out." The doctor went to his knees when Feng eyes flash with killing intent. "The only thing to do now is to leave the princess to General Wang's care"

"Leave! No one is allowed within a hundred yard of Ping!"

No one said a word when they rushed out the quarter. Feng laid the unresponsive Wei Lan down onto the bed. Her eyes full with tears.

"N_ No" I was shaking, pushing the hands removing my dress. "D_ Don't touch me! Feng! Feng!"

I was scared. The hands were too strong for me to push off. The drugs in my system had weakened my strength. My body was hurting and burning painfully. I felt ashamed at the aching deep inside me and scream for Feng to save me.

"Feng, save me! Please!"

I couldn't see the arms which held me tight. I pushed hard at the naked chest above me, desperately trying to escape. When I was penetrated, I cried out. My tears and sorrowful cries were ignored while he took me fiercely. I continued to scream for Feng even though my whole body was being consumed. Worst of all, my body could only react and tighten with heat at the penetration. Crying for Wang Feng – crying because I can no longer be with him when the night is over.

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