• two

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She was a forgiver.
Her heart was so large,
she didn't know how
to give up on people,
because she always believed
the good in those she loved.
It was until she was walked on
so many times, she had no choice
but to let go of those who burned
holes in her heart

        Scotland's September weather was undoubtedly lovely, a pleasant mixture of sunny days and refreshing winds

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        Scotland's September weather was undoubtedly lovely, a pleasant mixture of sunny days and refreshing winds. It would be a total waste to spend the free hours the students were given during the afternoon inside the castle considering they would soon be battling the clouded skies and pouring rain. The Hogwarts student body was well aware of this, which explained why the grounds were crowded by different groups of people sitting all around, engaging in mindless chatter and partaking in any activity they found entertaining. Amongst them sat the Marauders, lost in their own little world, unbothered by the occasional glances they received from onlookers, mostly first years, who wanted to know what the mischievous four were up to. James and Sirius kept throwing rocks at the lake in an absurd competition of who could annoy the giant squid first, while Peter helped Remus with all of the parchment scattered around. Needless to say, they weren't giving their audience the show they wanted.

        "What is that all about?" James muttered right after throwing a pebble and watching it disappear in the water, he then gave the scattered parchment a quick glance without really bothering to read it.

        "Spells. To remember for duelings," Remus replied absentmindedly, his attention focused on the many notes rather than in his friends.

        Sirius, sitting by James' side, couldn't help but sneer. "Oh, come on, Moony. You know we don't need that."

       "We don't. Others do." The young lycanthrope shrugged, still not giving his friends his time of day.

       "I'm late! I know! I'm sorry!" Startled by the voice of the girl they never saw approaching, the four boys jumped in their spot, looking up at her with wide and scared eyes. Noticing their reaction, she offered them a sheepish smile which attempted to conceal a laugh. "Sorry."

       "Merlin's beard!" Sirius exclaimed loudly, clutching his chest with the dramatics fit for Sirius Black. "Scared me to death, woman!"

       Another sheepish 'sorry' left her lips as she took a seat next to Remus, who she handed a long parchment roll to, "This is what I came up with. I wrote and classified every spell I know that's useful for dueling. I think it would be easier if we focused on a type of spell each week?" She pointed out some of the notes she had written as she spoke, completely unfazed by Sirius' and James' bored expressions, "So let's say we start off with some easy jinxes one week, but then we hit them with hexes. Then protective spells then curses, and so on."

       Remus flashed her a satisfied grin as he flicked through the notes, "This is brilliant, Lexi."

       "Oh, so now they're on a nickname basis." Sirius pointed out before turning to James with an indignant huff. "I feel left out."

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