• forty five

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she turned sadness
into art
she turned pain
into power
she took what little they gave her
and made it more valuable

The soft sounds of a whimpering little girl came from the far left corner of the dark bedroom, the gray skies making sure there was no sunlight to illuminate the place

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The soft sounds of a whimpering little girl came from the far left corner of the dark bedroom, the gray skies making sure there was no sunlight to illuminate the place. "What is it?" The boy crouched down to be on his sister's height, speaking with a soothing but authoritative voice that was uncanny for a ten year old.

"William," a hiccup escaped her lips as her cries continued being incessant, "h—he stole Sassy." She let out a sob that was far too dramatic for the matter, pointing her finger in the direction the boy had ran off to.

Her brother stood up, a frown immediately setting on his fair complexion, and proceeded to make his way out the room with a hurry in his step, not wanting his sister to cry any longer. And before she knew it he had already returned, a gray teddy bear in hand. "Here it is, Lex, here it is." He said softly as he gently placed the bear in his sister's arms. "Don't cry now." He rubbed her back comfortingly, "how about we burn all of his toys later today, huh? He won't touch any of your things after that."

The five year old took a shaky deep breath as she wiped her tears and held Sassy close. "Thanks, Tom."

Alexis chuckled, unbothered by the eerie darkness that surrounded her in the forest, and crouched down to have a better look at Sassy the Bear. The stuffed animal had been left behind in the orphanage, making her chuckle at the prospect of Tom visiting the place and going through their old belongings. She reached out a hand, which was unwillingly shaky by now, and stopped when she was just a mere inch away. This was it. She closed the distance in a heartbeat before she allowed herself to have second thoughts and suddenly the images around her began to blur as she was transported to Merlin knows where. The sensation of traveling by portkey was one Alexis, or anyone for that matter, would never get used to, always being downright unpleasant and leaving an unbearable nauseating feeling with it.

Her landing was nothing short of ungraceful, leaving her needing a couple of minutes to pull herself together and be able to properly walk without stumbling around like an inebriated person. The mansion standing ahead of her was not the Malfoy Manor like she initially thought it would be, but it strongly resembled it, with its elegance and eeriness. The place looked empty from where she stood, not one movement around other than the rustling of the leaves. The lights coming from inside the house were the only thing that assured Alexis the house was inhabited.

She slowly made her way towards the entrance, mentally cursing herself once she became aware of her trembling hands, a crude reminder of just how nervous and scared she felt. The front door opened before she got the chance to get to it, revealing the silhouette of a slender, tall man waiting for her at the top of the stairs. She chuckled lightly as she looked up at him, sighing relieved with the fact the nightmare that was her last visit wouldn't be repeating. Her brother was here. She wrapped her arms around his torso tightly, an action that Tom certainly wasn't expecting. Maybe he was still the same old Tom, but she wasn't the same old Alexis. She had the ability to love now. She giggled once she felt one of his arms around her shoulders in a rather frigid way and she was sure he had scrunched his face with disgust.

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