17 - Move On

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                I had hope to move on from the whole ordeal with Eli Frye, but of course, moving on prove to be difficult when the man persist. The following morning, a small package was delivered. When I saw the pink gold bracelet, I felt hopeless. Eli Frye – I'm afraid, is a tenacious man. Returning the bracelet is a lost cost. My only option was to throw it away.

"Miss Calla, Miss Rose is in the main lobby asking if she could see you"

When George entered my small study to relay the message, I was not surprised. For a while now, I had expected my sister's visit. After asking George to invite my sister up, I stood and placed the bracelet quietly on the shelf beside the untouched violet and blue Channel purse.


Rose, as beautiful as ever in a yellow dress, entered with a soft smile. We watched George prepared the tea and biscuits and waited until the sweet old butler left before we begin talking.

"Thank you for seeing me..."

"You're my sister" I looked at her. "Why wouldn't I see you?"

Our conversation was unfortunately too formal. But what could we do? We were never close to begin with.

"Is there a reason for the visit?" I asked even though I could guess the reason.

Rose remained became quiet – clearly nervous. I waited patiently for her to speak while drinking my cup of tea.

"Al_ Alexander Locke" Rose finally found the courage to ask. "You're close to him..."

I studied my sister, seeing how anxious she was. Despite knowing her interest in Alex, I was still surprise. This was the first time I've seen Rose Lind this flustered. Even when she's with Eli Frye, one of the most beautiful, sought after man in our generation, Rose never blush whenever she's around him. But the mere mention of Alexander Locke, the woman became red. Suddenly, I was impressed with my pretty CEO to be able to capture the heart of Rose Lind.

"You know him" I stated.

I had no doubt Rose Lind knew Alexander Locke prior to the video conference we had. When she first saw Alex on the screen, there was recognition in her eyes. Even now, I could see a longing of the past in her eyes.

"Since when?"

I was curious of how Alex and Rose met. Especially since Rose seem to remember him while Alex does not remember her.

"5 years ago... He saved me..."

Rose retold the moment where Alex had saved her from a dangerous situation with a group of thugs on the streets. She left Julliard's late in the night and was quickly surrounded by three men. Frightened for the first time in her life, Rose stood frozen against the fence wall while the men came closer. Luckily, before they touched her, Alexander Locke appeared and helped her get away. Hearing the story, I couldn't help but smile. A knight in shining armor saving the princess. How fitting.

"Why were you out by yourself?" I questioned my sister on her senseless action.

Not only was Rose Lind the princess in the family, but I was pretty damn sure my parents watch over her like a hawk. How could they allow their princess walk alone in the night – especially in a city like Manhattan? Judging from Rose's guilty expression, my sister probably escaped around the bodyguards.

"It's been so long" I didn't push my sister further on her being out alone. "Are you sure it was Alex that saved you?"

"I will never forget him"

Well that answered any doubts I have left in Rose's feelings for Alex.

"D_ does he not remember me?"

I understood why Rose would ask that question. It was not arrogant for Rose Lind to believe anyone would forget her after meeting her once. My sister was doubtfully beautiful. She knows this. Everyone knows this. It was normal for people to remember her beauty.

"Alex never mentioned it" I answered her truthfully.

Maybe Alex does remember her, but he never told me the story. Moreover, it didn't look like he recognized my sister when he saw her.

"I see..." Rose said softly, her eyes cast down in disappointment.

I wasn't sure what I could say to ease her disappointment, so I kept quiet.

"Calla..." Rose looked at me, hesitantly. "Could you help me set a meeting with him?"

I knew this was her goal. I didn't fault her for it. In the past, I had also asked her many times on Eli Frye's whereabouts. In the past, I had also used her to get close to Eli Frye.

"Sure. Alex is currently in Chicago and will be heading to New York Friday" I knew my sister would have to be in New York soon for a performance. "If you want, I can ask him to meet you this weekend"

"Thank you Calla" Rose took hold of my hand and smiled softly.

She didn't need to thank me. Consider this returning a debt I've owed her.

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