41 - Kidnapped

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                I never thought there'd come a day where I would be kidnapped. Imagine the scene of two pretty young girls surrounded by perverted men in a dirty, abandon warehouse. I recalled seeing that scene multiple times in movies, so when Rose and I were taken to a pool house behind an impressive white stone mansion, I felt a somewhat disappointed. Although our feet and hands are bound by cable ties, Rose and I were seated in one of the large guest couch. Glancing around the place, I took note of the remarkable artwork collection hanging on the walls and the luxurious furniture within the space. When my eyes went back to the group of men, I saw out of place they were. Dressed in torn up jeans and graphic t-shirt, the men turned out to be boys – foolish goons who appeared to be in their early twenties. One of them looked barely 18 years old.


Rose's trembling voice brought my attention to her. Clearly frightened and confused, my older sister was glued to my side. I didn't know what to say to ease her fear and looking at the situation, there's not much we can do but wait. The real boss has yet to arrive.

We didn't wait long when a woman in a sexy gold dress appeared. Despite how gorgeous she was, her expression was ugly with obvious hatred. Her eyes were like daggers ready to aim straight at me – her target. It took me a moment to process who she was and what I've done to offend her.


Rose cried out the same time the woman's hand slapped my right cheek. When it looked like she was going to slap me again, Rose covered by body with hers. With our hands and feet bound, we both staggered and fell down onto the couch.

"Who are you?" Rose tried to shield me even though she was visibly terrified. "What do you want?"

"Who am I?" The woman ignored Rose completely while her eyes were glaring murderously at me. "What do I want?"

She was the same woman who sat on Malik Shah's lap while I was on the supposed "date" with him. The woman had tried to taunt and insult me but ended up being dismissed by the playboy prince.

"I don't know you" I replied coldly with an indifferent expression.

I recognized her but I didn't know her name or who she was. I didn't care to know her in the beginning and I don't care to now.


"Do you know who I am?" I shot back at the crazy woman before my eyes. "For that playboy, you dare to kidnap my sister and me?"

"Shut up!" She screamed. "How dare you insult me? How dare you insult Malik!"

Clearly, the woman was insane. It pissed me off that the woman is venting at me instead of that playboy prince. I had not been the one who dismissed her. Malik Shah did. I had not been the one who wronged her. Malik Shah did. Yet here she was, hiring thugs to kidnap me in broad daylight.

It was useless for me to deal with a crazy woman. Nothing I could say or do would appease her. She will still put all the blame on me – whatever it was.

"How much did she pay you?" My eyes went to the hired goons.

The goons were all startled by my questions. It was clear that they were amateur abductors – simple thugs on the streets. Before they care to find out what "job" they've accepted, their greed blinded them. They did not realize they've just kidnapped daughters – granddaughters of one of the country most influential family. My sister and I weren't normal rich girls – we are Lind's. Our family isn't just people you can threaten and insult without repercussion. Unfortunately, these idiots did not know their actions will cost them not only their lives but the lives of everyone they know and love.

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