48 - Broken

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"Play in your sister's stead"

I turned to face my father. Was he kidding? He wanted me to play the piano? For Rose? I know Rose couldn't play because of her arm, but he could give an excuse to turn down the request. Yes, it's not good to turn down GKP's CEO request, but it's not like our family needs to be in GKP's good grace.

"Hurry and go"

My mother appeared anxious as well – but not for me, for Rose.

"No" I said sternly – refusing to touch the piano. "I don't play the piano"

Once, long ago, I had frantically wanted their attention – their love – their acknowledgement. I didn't want to play the piano. I didn't like the piano. But I have forced myself to play for them – forced myself to play better than Rose. But no matter how desperately I played, there was nothing for me.

"And so you're forcing your sister to perform?" My father snapped at me. "Don't forget the reason why she's in this predicament"

My own father continues to blame me for my sister's injury.

"Dad" Rose was in the verge of tears. "Why... why are you blaming Calla? Calla doesn't want to play? Why are you and mom forcing her?"

"Rose" Mother held onto her hand. "We can't let anyone know your injuries"


"Go" My father snapped at me, losing his patience completely.

I stood frozen in place, staring at the people who were supposed to be my parents – my family.

"Miss Rose? Is something wrong?"

People around were wondering why Rose Lind hasn't stepped forward like she usually would.

"Rose is extremely tired from the recent travels" Michael Lind put on a perfect smile. "My youngest daughter will play in her place"

While everyone was surprised, no one refute his statement.

"Hurry and go" My mother rushed me.

Turning, I avoided Eli Frye before he was able to take hold of my hand. I avoided the sad, worried look on Rose's face as she tried to reach for me but was stopped by our mother. I went through the parted crowd and sat before the black grand piano. Everything about it appeared cold. I didn't want to touch it. Staring blankly at the keys, I felt empty.

The quietness in the ballroom was deafening at my refusal to play. People were whispering to each other – wondering if I was nervous by the crowd. I was not afraid. I felt nothing.

"Pathétique," Piano Sonata No. 8

Ten fingers slammed down onto the white and black keys. The silent ballroom trembled to the dark, powerful sound of the piano. Eyes closed, I didn't want to see anything. I didn't want to look at the piano. My fingers glide through each key with resentment. Each note played was heavy and dark like my heart. My father wanted me to play the piano? Then I'll play just for him.

The faster and harder I played, the emptier I felt. I wanted to stop but my fingers continued to move. Slowly. I didn't want to fight anymore. I wanted it to end. It's time to end. It's time that I let my family go. When I opened my eyes, large cold hand covered them while the other hand wrapped protectively around my shoulders, stopping me from playing the piano.

"Don't hurt yourself" Eli Frye's voice was soft and gentle.

I didn't have the energy to pull away from him. In that moment, I just wanted to feel safe. The silence stretched in the ballroom while Eli Frye continued to cover my eyes with one hand while holding me with the other.


At the sound of my grandfather's voice, Eli Frye removed his hand from my eyes – revealing no tears, just emptiness.


My vacant eyes went to my grandfather, seeing his worried expression. When he suddenly lifted a hand out for me to take, I instinctively placed my hand into his.

"Let's go home"

The old man gently pulled me up to my feet and placed my freezing hand around his arm. He patted the back of my hand softly before he guided me out.

"From now on" James Lind said softly to me as he walked me out. "No one will force you to play the piano... I will make sure of it"

This is the last time I will ever play the piano for anyone. 

CALLA : BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now