39 - So What?

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After resting a full day, I fall back to my usual schedule. Attending class in the morning, going to Allac in the afternoon, and ending up at Lind Corp. at night. The guys at the university were like mother hens, constantly making sure I was comfortable. The people at Allac were worst, as one person after another come in and out of my office to make sure I was well. It took me locking my office door to keep people away while I work. I was relieved that at least my grandfather treated me normally at Lind Corp. Playing chess with the old man brought normalcy back to my life.

Every other day, I would be at Aion instead of Allac. Because everyone knew I had just recovered from a cold, they were extremely careful with me. Ben Carter had been made sure not to set my mood off in any way. Even Eli Frye kept careful distant - which was funny because every once in a while, the man would appeared in the conference room for a few minutes before he head back to his solitary office. It was like watching a big puppy carefully peaking in a room before slowly backing out, hoping no one took notice of him. It did not escape me how bewildered the Aion's guys were to see how their big bad boss was behaving so clumsily awkward. When the musketeers eyes went to me, I pretend not to notice and went about my business. Don't look at me when your boss is the weird one.

I took Alexander Locke's word to heart while I continued the days carefree. I slept each night in peace and ate my meals at a timely manner. George made absolute sure of it. Getting sick because of stress is stupid and unnecessary. Why should I stress over other people's feelings? So what if my parents thought of me as an ingrate? So what if my sister is miserable? So what if Eli Frye likes me? So what if the world sees Calla Lind as no good?

I still have people who cares about me.

I still have Allac.

I still have my life.

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