22 - Back to Work

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I hate to admit it but going back to Aion wasn't as bad as I thought. I had expected awkwardness or tension between the four musketeers and me; instead, they maintain their usual casual demeanor. Fortunately, they were far more professional than me when it comes to work.

"Dude, she's killing you!"

Currently, I'm playing a battle game with Mason Banks. We're testing out one of the demo program called "Ilion" - which was comparable to battleship. Mason Banks and I sat facing each other at the five by five glass square table. In front of each of us was a projection of a ten by ten grid. In the center of the table was a 3D projection of a topographic map. The rule of the game was simple. That is to conquer all the land. The complexity of the game lies on how well the player can strategize.

Because we can clearly see every move our opponent made, it challenged our mental state even more. In some ways, it was similar to the Japanese chess Go.

"My winnings please"

Mason Banks expression was comparable to a little boy who just lost all of his marbles.

"Thank you" I took the twenty dollar bill he miserably handed to me.

"For a harmless looking girl, you're mean"

I casually fan myself with the twenty dollar bill, teasing the naïve man with a smile.

"For a sturdy looking guy, you're weak" I resorted.

Mason Banks eyes filled with tears as he exaggeratedly threw himself on Eric Bloom's shoulder to cry. Eric Bloom chuckled and patted the poor guy's back.

"I'm next" Ben Carter stepped forward with his usual playful grin.

"You?" I smirked. "You still owe me money Banks"

55.2 million to be exact.

"Double or nothing" Ben Carter countered.

"You'll lose" I said confidently. "Owing me more money is a mistake Mr. Carter"

Before Ben Carter could taunt me further, I stood up and cut him off.

"Besides, I prefer to be challenged" I glanced at him like he was nothing.

Ben Carter continued to grin coldly even as everyone laughed.

"Then let Eli play in my stead"

The man was really shameless as he suddenly pulled Eli Frye forward.

"Ummm" I look at Eli Frye seeing his usual unreadable expression before my eyes went back to the snake. "Triple or nothing"

Ben Carter's smile faltered slightly.

"Scared?" I taunted the snake.


I held back a grin and sat back down while listening to Ben Carter begging Eli Frye to win.

"Come on Eli" Ben Carter cheered.

My eyes meet Eli from across the table. Despite his unreadable expression, I could see the hidden amusement in his vivid blue eyes.

"Who wants to call it?" Eric Bloom had a quarter in his hand.

Eli Frye's eyes went to Eric Bloom and motioned for me to make the call.


Eric Bloom flipped the quarter, revealing Mr. George Washington.

"Eli has the first move" Eric Bloom stated, while Ben Carter cheered.

I was unfazed by Eli Frye's first move. To say that I wasn't nervous playing with Eli Frye would have been a lie, but unlike chess game, I was confident. I may have lost to Eli Frye once, but I wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

"Damn, she annihilated you Eli" Several observers laughed nervously when the game ended.

I did more than annihilated Eli Frye. I didn't just take all his lands – I've destroyed his army and took his weapons, crops, and civilians. When you're in a battle, you should fight for complete victory. That is my motto.

"Well-well Mr. Carter" I couldn't stop myself from smiling wide at the shell-shocked man. "I just became 110.4 million richer thanks to you"

The silence that filled the room was broken with my laughter.

"E_ Eli, you_" Ben Carter was stunned seeing Eli Frye watching me laugh with a smile."How could you lose?"

"Oh but he did" I gloated brazenly as I continued to laugh. "My money please"

Ben Carter was at a loss for words for the first time in his life.

"What? Don't tell me you don't have it?"

We all know he have the money, but no one want to fork up over a 100 million like nothing. It wasn't easy. Moreover, his pride wouldn't allow him to give up such a ridiculous amount over a game.

"Since I'm a generous person, I won't force you to hand over the money. Instead, you'll just work for Allac for a year"

I smile wider seeing him flinch. My goal from the beginning was never his money. I rather have him work as my slave. To see your enemy suffer is priceless, after all.

"Wow, you're vicious"

A familiar voice startled everyone. My mood had been good up until the Arabic Prince appeared.

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