33 - Mother

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                I had thought to go to Allac to get some work done but then decided to head back home since I didn't want to deal with Alex's teasing. I regretted that decision. As soon as I entered Sora Tower, a woman who my older sister resemble greatly after, sat waiting in the main lobby.

                Ivy Lind sat beautifully like a prestigious madam of any wealthy and powerful household. The woman had a fashion magazine in hand, skimming casually through the pages with poise of a diva. For a split moment, I had thought to turn around and walk back to my car. Regrettably, she spotted me before I could make the move.


                An unsettling feeling creeped up inside me as my mother stood. The woman was petite like Rose, thus she was a few inches shorter than me. Even so, I couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated. We rarely saw each other or converse like normal mother and daughter, but the fact still stands, Ivy Lind is my mother – someone I can't ignore.

"Mother" I spoke formally.

                Ivy Lind looked at me with eyes which held no softness or affection like they would with Rose. It was something that had once driven me to depression.

"Are you not going to invite me in?"

                I held back a sigh since I rather speak to her outside the comfort of my condo – my home. But even though I was reluctant, I couldn't turn away my mother. Moreover, I had wanted to know the reason to her sudden visit.

"It seems your grandfather treats you well"

                My mother commented while drinking the tea George had served. Her eyes swept the condo, taking in the modern paintings, violin collections, and the impressive view of the city from the curtain wall. I understood what she was implying. She believed that my current lifestyle was provided by James Lind. No would believe that a nineteen year old girl can afford a 150,000 thousand dollar car but much a 5 million dollar condo. For a nineteen year old to live such a lavish life, he or she must be supported by his or her parents or grandparents.

                I no longer cared to explain to anyone the fact that everything I have was mine.

"Your father told me your grandfather loan you 10 million. Is that true?"


"And you were able to return it with interest the following year?"

"That's correct"




                Despite my straightforward replies, my mother did not believe me. But then again, how could a fourteen year old child talk about investments? All this time, she believed that I was still living under her roof, eating what she provided and doing what was expect of me. If my father or mother took just a minute to check up on me these last few years, they would have known what I was doing and where I was. Yes, I have lived low-key, but I never hid from them.

"I knew several upcoming businesses with interesting projects"

                Even if I did cheated fate and knew beforehand what to invest in, it still required a lot of research and work on my end to follow through with profits.

"You never mention any of this to your father and me"

"Would you have listen?"

                She didn't respond because the truth was, Michael Lind and her would not have listened. They would not have taken anything I said seriously – then or now.

"Is this why you're refusing to invest in your father's project?"

                This was the true reason of her visit. Allac have not taken on the urban development project lead by Michael Lind and his company. Alexander Locke had made the decision as CEO of Allac.

"Allac's decision does not solely rely on me"

"But you have the power to influence that decision"

                That was an accurate statement. If I wanted to, I can force Alexander Locke to accept the project. But I respect Alex's decision and judgement when it comes to development projects. It was his forte – his part of Allac. Alexander Locke had done his research. He had stated his opinion on it and found many flaws to it.

"Alex have sent his findings to father. If father accepts the change in condition, Alex would have reconsider the project"

"How can your father accept such ridiculous condition?"

"And so he is forcing Alex to accept his ridiculous proposal?"

"You have forgotten yourself" I could clearly see Ivy Lind was losing her patience. "To speak to me, your own mother this way and about your father"

"When it comes to business, there is no family"

                James Lind had taught me those words. When it comes to business, it's fatal to think only with your heart while ignoring your mind.

"You_" Ivy Lind was speechless at my coldhearted statement. "Are you even my daughter?"

                That was a million dollar question.

"Only you can answer that mother" I replied curtly.

                It didn't surprise me when Ivy Lind stood with her purse in hand. Her expression clearly showed her displeasure. When she left, she didn't bother to say goodbye.

"Miss Calla" George's kind voice was filled with concern.

                It was embarrassing to have the sweet old man witness such a scene.

"I'll be in my room" I stood with a soft smile. "Don't worry about dinner"

                I wouldn't be able to swallow anything, anyways.

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