50 - Graduation

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                When I returned to New Haven, I spoke nothing of the Spring Ball. Wanting to erase the memory of what had happen, I spent most of my time in my study room, playing the Liebig. My days continued idly. If I'm not at Allac Headquarter, I would be at home in my study attending class through the webcam or playing the violin.

Times flies and before I knew it, my twentieth year is quickly approaching. A month before I turned twenty, I officially graduated from Yale University with my linguistic degree. Because I was the youngest graduate at nineteen, many of my fellow graduates were skeptical. Only when the President of the university announced my achievements and grade point average that everyone's doubt was dispel. The Ivy League school is one of the world most prestigious and honorable school, no one would doubt a student if he or she was granted a degree with honors from the University President himself.

I was proud to graduate with my own skill and effort – even more so that I've chosen this route in life. Holding the degree in my hand, I felt a sense of accomplishment. This was something no one could ever take away from me.

Of course, on the day where a college student graduates, any parents would be in the front row, cheering on their child. Mine was nowhere to be seen. I had no doubt that my parents did not even know that I was graduating. But I didn't care. My sweet old grandfather in his three piece suit came with a large bouquet of purple roses. Alexander Locke came with a large bouquet of rainbow colored calla lilies. Anna Lee, Richard Starr, Emily Pratts, John Wilkins, Ashley Mays, Connor Brandt, Reika, Hideo, and George all came with bouquets of flowers in their hands. I was buried in flowers but I didn't care.

Happiness if being with the people you cared most in the world.


While I was surrounded by laughter and words of congratulations, a familiar voice made my smile froze. Turning, I saw Rose with a bouquet of pink roses. Surprised to see my sister, I glanced behind her to see if my parents were nearby.

"Mom and dad are in New York... They don't know I'm here..."

I look back at Rose seeing her sad smiles.

"Congratulation Calla" Rose came with the bouquet held out to me.

"Thank you" I accepted graciously.

"Calla" Rose could see everyone still standing nearby and was clearly nervous. "Can we talk?"

I knew she wanted to talk privately so I invited everyone back at my home to celebrate. While everyone made their way out, it did not escape by notice how regretful Rose looked as she gazed at Alexander Locke's disappearing back.

Once I was alone with Rose, I suggested we go to a nearby café to talk. While we sat in the empty corner of the café, I watched quietly as my older sister appeared anxious. Instead of rushing her, I patiently waited until she was ready to talk.

"Calla... I..." Rose looked at me as she tried to begin. "I want to apologize for what happened at the Spring Ball... Mom and dad... they..."

Rose couldn't finish because we both knew there was no reason or excuse for what our parents behavior that night. Still, Rose persisted in her apology.

"Calla... please forgive me... forgive mom and dad..."

CALLA : BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now