Chapter 3

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Jaces POV


I walked into the infirmary and called for the doctor, one of the nurses came out and brought me into a room and a few moment later the doctor came in. We had two doctors a girl and a guy and we had the girl when she saw me and my mate in my arms and how bad she was hurt she went into full on doctor mode.

"Set her down on the bed and i need you to get out"

I growled "What do you mean i have to get out!"

"Dont yell at me i have to take her shirt off and do you think your mate will want that"

I grumbled and walked out but stayed outside the door.


Raven's POV


Pain. Thats the first thing i felt when i woke up i dont mean a little pain it was way worse. I tried to sit up but pain shot through me and i landed back onto the pillow i sighed and pushed the blanket down to my waist. I was wrapped in bandage acrossed my stomach that came and covered my chest and wrapped around my shoulder. My head was pounding so i moved my hand up and found a thing of stiches that went from the end of my left eyebrow all the way to my hairline. 

I took a deep breath in and was about to try and stand when the door opens and in walks a women in her mid fourties came in.

"Oh good your awake Jace will finally stop bugging me"

I look at her weirdly and she smiles

"Jace is the alpha's son and the one who brought you here from the car crash"

I nodded my head and my wolf started to move around, i understood why when the door swings open and a boy around my age comes in.

"I thought i told you to mind link me when she was awake"

"You needed rest Jace you havent slept in three days and that was probably the best day of sleep you had since she came in here"

"Well still i deserve to be aware that my mate is finally awake"

"I was going to tell you when i talked to her for a little bit"

"About what"

"Hmm i dont know maybe about how she got all those injuries because they all didnt happen with the one car crash!"

"I got in another one before i was kidnapped by the rouges they flipped my car over into a ditch that was in my territory"

They turned to me like they forgot i was here, i shook my head and pushed the blankets off me. I looked down and saw i was in a pair of shorts and i looked at the nurse.

"I put them on you and the badage so dont worry"

I was about to sit up but the boy growled

"You probably should stay laying down"

"Yeah the stiches that are on your stomach are pretty fragile and if they tear then they will have to stay in longer"

I sighed and layed back down, "Wait since i am a wolf why havent i healed yet?"

"Well i was wondering the same thing so i got some warriors to get some pieces of glass so it is in the lab now"

I nodded my head and a sharp pain attacked my head i groaned in pain and put my head in my hands. 

"Whats wrong with her!"

"I dont know what ever was in that glass is messing with her system"

They sounded far away and my vision started to blur, it felt just like i was shifting for the first time again. I think i lasted a few more minutes before i blacked out

Authors note

Hey guys sorry for the wait i have been super busy with softball and school. I have three projects due by the next week so i wanted to get this in before i worked on them. This update was probably really boring sorry about that i will try and update soon. BYE!

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