Chapter 35

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Ravens POV:

Its been a few days since I have heard from Ryker and it has been hell, I have gotten barely any sleep because I wake up every night to the same reoccuring nightmare. Each night it starts where my dad weeping over my moms body and him kicking me out if the pack, then it ends by Jace rejecting me because his dad had died in the fight. I always wake up in a cold sweat and in tears and Jace wakes up and he always asks if I'm ok, which leads us to arguing.

He's just worried about us Raven

get that but I'm fine I'm just worried about everyone, Sadie

I snapped out of my thoughts when Jace came out of the bathroom drying his wet hair, when he looked at me I looked a way and stared at my hands as if they we're the coolest thing in the world. He sighed and felt him look at me

"Raven I'm sorry about last night I'm just worried about you"

Told you

"Its fine I get it"

"Will you please just tell me what the dream was about I know you haven't gotten much sleep so maybe if you tell me it may help some" 

He walked over and sat by me on the bed, I drew in a shaky breath and sighed "Its the same everynight it starts where my dad is crying over my moms dead body and he kicks me out of the pack and it changes to where we both are standing by your dads body and you reject me"

I didn't know I started crying till Jace wiped the tears away

"Even if that did happen Raven I wouldn't reject you because you weren't the one to kill him and your my mate"

I nodded and he kisses me slowly but we get interupted by my phone ringing, he growled and I was a little dissapointed also. I grabbed my phone and saw that it was Ryker 

"Hey Ryker what's up"

"Nothing much I just called you to say you can come back home now"


I glanced at Jace and he shrugged "Yeah we got rid of the rogue's your safe to come back home, we have a car on the way to get you and Jace"

I glance at Jace and he had a serious look on his face and his eyes were glossed over

"Ok well I'll see you soon Ry"

I hung up the phone and I walk over to Jace, I waved my hand over his face and he didnt even blink. I placed my hand on his cheek and he blinked a few times before looking at me

"Are you ok?"

"Something isnt right I just tried to mindlink my pack and no one answered"

My eyes widened and I tried to contact any of my pack member's but none of them answered and I looked at Jace

"This isnt good"

Authors Note:

Hey guys so I got my train of thought back on this story but I have exams this week so I have been studying but I will get the next one up soon I promise BYE

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