Chapter 13

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Jace was standing in the middle of a weird clearing that i have never seen before and his eyes were clouded over and he looked hurt. I saw movement in the bushes behind Jace but he didnt move a muscle. A tall figure came out of the bushes and before i knew it the figure pulled out a knife and

I woke up in a cold sweat and i had tears streaming down my face, i wiped the tears away for the fifth time that night. I was just about to decide to give up and stay up the rest of the night, i looked at the clock on my dresser and say that it was one in the morning. I sighed and stared up at my ceiling and let my thoughts drift all over the place. 

The next day:

I walk down the stairs to the kitchen to see all the same ladies from yesterday racing around the kitchen. 

"Hello Raven how can i help you?"

"Can i just have a apple and a bottled water?"

"Sure thing"

She walks into the mess and comes out with my water and apple, i nod to say thank you and walk back to my room. I was walking down the hall when i bump into Jace


"Woah Raven you lo.. are you feeling ok"

"Yeah fine"

"Are you sure you dont look ok?"

"I didnt get much sleep last night"

"Oh why not?"

"It must be a side affect from the pills or what ever because i kept having the same nightmare over and over again so i stayed up the rest of the night"

"Raven thats not very healthy"

I rubbed my forehead "Yeah i know but your dad told me to sleep a night without you using that pill and now i have to go tell your dad what happened" 

"You could have came to my room like i offered last night"

"I was to tired last night to remember what you said" then i frowned "Werent we suppose to go out for breakfeast"

"Yeah but we can just go out for lunch but first we have to go see my dad"

"Wait but why do you need to go?"

"Dont have a reason just want to go with you"



"So you took the pill but you were having the same nightmare over and over again"

I nodded my head while yawning, Jace's dad turned in his chair and started typing away on his computer. When he finished he faced me and Jace

"Ok so tonight take the pill but son you will be staying with her"

"Doesnt that defeat the purpose of the pill"

"Well kinda but i just got a email from the pack doctor and she is doing a test on the pill and hopefully finding the flaw but we both want to test if Jace is with you and you take the pill if the nightmare comes back"

I leaned my head in my hand and looked at him "So pretty much i am your test monkey"

"No but thats all come check in with me tomorrow"

Jace grabs my hand and leads me back to my room "Are you sure you still want to go out?"

"Yeah i am not one to blow off a date"

"Ok meet me in the living room when your done"


Author's note:

Hey guys sorry i havent updated in a while i have been grounded the past week and i didnt have my computer or phone so i couldnt update. I hope you liked it and sorry it was short i will try and update tomorrow Bye!

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