Chapter fourteen

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Ava's POV

I find myself opening my eyes when I feel someone's hands shaking my arms. I look up to see who it was. I see the girl from yesterday. Her silver hair now in a ponytail an her outfit is the same from yesterday, a white long dress. I sit up from my seat and rub my eyes. I look back up at her, she is smiling at me, I smile back just a little.

"Hey." I say starting a conversation.

"Hi Ava. " she replies bouncing her self up and down in the seat. I chuckle at the girl, who remains unnamed.

"So...what is your name? You didn't tell me yesterday." I question her. She stops bouncing and looks at me . Then continues bouncing again. I was about to give up until I heard her small voice.

"My name is Harmony." She said smiling at me again.

"I like that name. " I reply to her. She nods at me an speaks again.

"Yeah my mommy named me after her middle name." She says proudly.

"Oh. That's cool." I say in monotone. It's not that I didn't care about the Harmony and her life story and all but, my thoughts are invading my mind now.

Why are you talking to her bitch? You deserve no one.

I realize that.

I look outside at the bridge we are crossing now. I can jump off of the bridge. Maybe if I can never wake up...I can see the sky. A tear slips down my cheek.

You want to die right bitch? Break the window and jump out let's see how fast you can die.


I grab the latch ready to pull it out I stop in hesitation.

"What are you doing?" Harmony's small voice speaks to me. I whip my head back at her, my tears now coming out freely from my eyes.

"I-I can't do this anymore." I whisper sobbing quietly. She pushes my hand away from the latch and stares at me. She probably thinks I'm a freak. I wouldn't blame her, I would think I'm a monster too. A monster in a world where everyone was fucking better off without me. Harmony then does something I never thought she would do. Without hesitation, she embraces me. She touches my head and suddenly I feel numb, my mind is clear now. I no longer feel the thoughts consuming me. I'm blank and cannot think. She let go of me and looks at me before she speaks.

"Don't leave me I need you." She says her voice squeaky.

"Nobody needs me anymore." I say and the bus comes to a stop. I look out of the glass window to see we are in Nevada. It looks dry and old. I feel an aching in my stomach. I miss California I miss my brother and Evan oh god how I miss them so much. I turn to the little girl, who right now is keeping me sane, well almost. She looks at me with hurt eyes.

"Are you going to go back to California? Evan needs you ." She says .

"How do you know about Evan? " I ask utterly confused.

"Because Ava...I'm..." She trails off.

"What tell me?!" I say franticly what did this little girl hold behind her back that I don't know of.

"I'm Evan's sister..." She says looking at me. My eyes widen. What?! How can she be his sister? The bus doors close and I look up, I missed my chance. My chance of escaping California an all the shit it holds. Great just fucking terrific!

"Hello passengers out next stop is California again. Please refrain from touching the windows unless you have to exit immediately. Please if you are sick notify me so I can stop and assist. Thank you." The bus driver says and I sink back into my seat.

"Just fucking great." I mutter, mostly because Evan's sister is right beside me. How can this be? I thought he only had one sister, Riley. He never mentioned Harmony. Maybe she was lying. I turn to the girl next to me. She is fiddling with her hands. Would she lie? I shake my head at the thought. No of course not how else would she have known his name? I sigh deeply. I need answers now.

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