Chapter Eighteen

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Evan's POV

Once I had gotten that call from Ava I couldn't be credulous about the situation, I had to see her for myself. I departed my home in an instant driving immediately to her house. I longed to see her, to snake my arms around her waist and kiss her softly on her warm lips and stare in admiration at those beautiful green eyes. I yearn to help the girl who had fallen deep into the cracks of despair and hopelessness. The girl who just lost her brother only a few days ago slipping in and out of reality. I yearn to hold her in my arms as she cries and I'd cry with her because if she is in agony my heart aches for her. I'd protect her with my life forever and always, no matter what. As I made a left turn to reach her house I noticed blue and red lights flashing in her neighborhood. Oh no, please Ava what now? My heart begins to pound nervously. There are 2 ambulances, 6 cop cars, and 1 fire truck. Shit. Shit. Shit. Another person I couldn't protect... God what is fucking wrong with me?! I park my car but I don't even bother to turn it off as I rush up to the scene. As I come upon the house a police officer stops me.

"You can't cross the crime scene, we are currently undergoing an investigation sir. I'm afraid I am going to have to ask you to depart and go home to your residence." He said authoritatively. His pale face , brown hair with a dash of grey hairs and crystal blue eyes seem familiar to me. I examined the man closely before speaking.

" what kind of investigation?" I ask the man still analyzing him. Oh well, I think as I shrug off the thought.

"Kidnapping, tragic really, some girl about 17 years of age. I can say no more the rest is classified ." He says looking at me with a disappointed head shake.

Kidnapped? How can that be? I literally just spoke to her on the fucking phone 5 minutes ago! Does the universe hate me? Is this my punishment?! Once I find a fucking ounce of prosperity in my life it's all being stripped away from me. I guess how this whole thing works, you think you're picking up all of the pieces in your life then pain steps into your life and screws with your emotions and loved ones. I suppose you can say that about pain, it demands to be felt. Tears force themselves onto the brim of my eyes as I let my head collapse into my hands. A sob plays upon my lips and more come out until Im inaudible. I sink to the floor and collapse as I sob uncontrollably. Everyone I love gets hurt, I always let them slip through my fingers. If I would've gotten there sooner she would've been safe in my arms. The police man notifies the medics to get me a stretcher as they lift my body up and lie me down. After what seems like decades of crying my heart out,I stop crying. I finally muster enough stamina to talk to them. I stand up and put one leg in front of the other ,walking slowly towards the group of officers that are discussing the investigation in low murmurs.

I am determined to help find her and I yearn to kill the fucking bastard that had the urge to fucking take her away from me, I thought to myself as I reached the officers. I cleared my throat so my voice didn't come out strained, I attained their focus from previous conversation to me, good. I masked my salty damp tears with a clenched jaw, vexation surrounding my appearance and of course my dauntlessness. I wasn't going to bail out now, no it's now or never. How cliche does that sound? I shrug off the thought as I begin to speak.

"I do not have knowledge of who kidnapped my girlfriend, nor will I know that answer unless I help you guys out. I may appear as a kid to you but I swear at all costs I'm required, determined even to fucking attain this guy and put his sorry ass in mother fucking jail. " I rant, anger fuming in my veins and through my blood vessels. The officers stare at me and one in particular stares at me, the one who had talked to me earlier.He eyes me considerably and then in a flash realization crosses his eyes. He starts to cry and confusion crosses my face. Who is this man? Do I know him somehow? He did look familiar in the beginning...

"Let him help. " he croaks out as he looks at me. The other officers mumble an 'okay', I guess he is a chief policeman. I have to pay him with kindness by saying thank you. I stroll up to the man, he looks up his face pale and his blue eyes are shimmering because of his tears that he shed. I part my lips to speak to the man but he beats me to it.

"Hello son. " he says and I'm dumbfounded. Son? Then like a hurricane of emotions and images memories start to flood back into my mind. Filling me up with images of this guy whom I thought I barley knew .The same piercing blue eyes only he cut his hair and beard off and shaved 20 pounds or so. Tears appear at the brim of my eyes.


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