Chapter Nineteen

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Ava's POV

A week ago I was on a bus escaping my fears and conflicts in life instead of facing them head on. A week ago I decided I was going to come back home and face the consequences. A week ago I decided to call Evan after his sister admitted the painful truth that she was dead, a ghostly figure who was sent to be with me and told me to protect Evan. And then finally the fact I choose not to admit but cannot ignore, a week ago I was kidnapped. This entire situation feels like an illusion. I'm so exhausted I cannot comprehend what's real and what is false. My mind is conflicted and my mental state is poor. I cannot tell the difference between left and right. What is my name? Something with an "E" right? I shake my head slightly but it aches from the previous nights laying here on the freezing concrete floor I'm curled up against. The cold floor causes me to shiver violently. In instinct, I curl up my body tightly as possible to see if I have any body heat left. Suddenly a wave of nauseousness overcame me but I recognized it as a symptom of dehydration and lack of food consumption. The last time I recall them bringing me water was approximately 4 days ago and it was only a bottle cap full. As far as food goes it has been a generous amount 1 meal a day, well half a meal I should say. They treat me like an animal telling me to "eat", "drink", "stay", it's horrible. Nevertheless I deserve this; all the cruelty I have received is well deserved. I have to be punished for what I've done. I'm worthless I don't belong in this cruel world. Well that's the explanation I came up with. I would be sobbing now if it wasn't for the fact that I could cry no more. I've been here for 7 days. Few amounts of food, barley enough water to survive, and my body slowly weakening. How is it that I'm still alive? Can't this suffering come to an end? Can't I die right here and right now? I have nobody left to please so what is the objective of remaining alive? I curl up into a tighter ball and just start to close my eyes drifting off into a uneasy slumber.


"Get up you little shit!" A deep male voice spits at me kicking me in my stomach. I grunt and open my eyes to be met with the man who had me kidnapped, John Matthews. His tall frame accompanied by a tall shadow that mirrors his every action on the concrete floors of this dungeon.

"Sit up!" He commands. I quickly scramble to sit up and wince as pain floods through me. I look at him timidly, unsure what he will have me do this time. Hit my head against the metal bar until I pass out? Whip me? What torture awaits me in this inescapable hell? His disgusting mouth forms an evil smirk as he parts his thin lips to speak.

"Strip." He commands. One word, Five letters, and one syllable came out of his mouth that made my heart stop for a second. I looked at him wide - eyed. Is he going to rape me? I become immobile I cannot do this anymore. He slaps my cheek and brings out a whip, threatening me.

"I said STRIP! You damn disgrace!" He growls impatiently at me.

" I'll do it myself bitch." He states and leaves the basement. I breathe out a shaky breath as I wait for what is to come. I'm going to loose my virginity to a man that I despise and barely know. My eyes are filled with tears of fear and sadness. I just want to die. I put my face into my hands and cry harder. It isn't fair haven't I suffered enough in this fucking hell?! Suddenly I heard arguing outside of the basement. Two voices and I recognized both. One belonging to John and the other.... Danny?

Evan's POV

A week has passed and the only leads on the case we have so far are that Ava's kidnappers were the ones who killed her mother and father back then. One of them is named John Mathews, the other Daniel Williams. We have a few ideas to where they could be hiding her but I have a gut feeling as to none of those places are correct. I haven't given up though, I've been up 24/7 looking for the bastards that took her. I told my father that I was going to kill those son of a bitches but sadly I cannot. But I can still knock the shit out of both of them. I smirk at the thought of beating up their asses. I sip some of my coffee and continue working as to where she would be. Think Evan she called you that night and you minutes away you didn't see any cars in front of you? I close my eyes trying to remember something, anything. No the street were empty. Wait. She called me and her phone was never found at the crime scene! How could I suppress that! Holy shit. I rush out of my room dashing to my car. I quickly buckle up and back out of the driveway and drive straight into the street. After a few stop lights, stop signs, and idiots driving on the road I make it to the California police station. I park my car and quickly make my way inside. I see my father look over to me from his desk and gets up and comes towards me.

"Evan, what's wrong?" He asks worry filling his eyes.

"I found a lead, I think I know how to find Ava." He nods , signaling to continue and I explain it all to him. Following my explanation, I gave them Ava's phone number so they could track it down. A red dot appeared on the computer screen.

"We got a signal!" Shouts one of the officers. A smile tugs at my lips. I'm coming for you Ava, I promise.

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