Chapter Twenty

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Ava's POV

He entered the dark, freezing basement. His lips are moving but it's inaudible. The only thing I hear is the loud ringing in my ears as the emotionless expression is etched onto my face. He's alive. All this time he's been here living and I have been grieving... For nothing! Angry, confused, and heart broken, tears well up in my eyes clouding my vision. A lump forms in my throat as I let out a choked sob.

"D-Danny... you fucking piece of shit!" I cry out with vexation and distress mirroring off of me. He looks saddened by my outburst but I know he doesn't care.

"Ava... I am so so sorry.." He said crying.

I say nothing as I look at my brother who is looking at me like I'm going to forgive him.

"Go to hell Danny." I say and find the courage to stand. I muster up all the energy I can and dash out of the basement. Half way up the stairs I see Danny following closely behind.

"SHES ESCAPING!" He screams and I run faster. I reach the top of the stairs and I don't see anyone. I close the door and lock it and suddenly everything falls silent. I peer around the edge of the wall and decided that it's safe. I begin to walk towards an exit but suddenly I hear a click of a gun and I know I'm caught.

"don't move you little bitch." My kidnapper says coldly. My breathing becomes heavy as I try not to move.

"Good girl, now I've been getting tired of you being alive for so long but I can't waste a good girl now can I? What shall we do with you?" He says smirking. My breath gets caught in my throat when he strokes my face. Sick bastard. He licks his lips and grabs my arm forcefully as he forcefully drags me to a another room.He picks me up and slams my body onto the bed and I wince as the pain spreads throughout my body. He then grabs some chains that I didn't notice before and handcuffs me to the wooden frame of the bed. I squirm trying to get out but it's useless. I know I'm going to get raped I know it. I breathe nervously not wanting to know what comes next.

"Ava, Ava, Ava... You are such a pretty girl. Now darling why don't you treat daddy right? Hmm baby? You know your brother told me before you have to die to do this to you so I hope that's okay baby." He says snickering. My stomach drops, Danny did this. What a sick bastard. Both of them! Both of them are sick for trying to take advantage of me. Sick. Sick. Sick. He grabs my pants and pulls them down forcefully. More tears begin welling up in my eyes as I try to get him off of me. He then rips off my shirt and now I'm only wearing panties and a bra.I close my eyes not wanting to look at what comes next. I scream for him to let go of me, My breathing is getting out of control and I'm sobbing. He then begins to tear off his own pants, but everything stops when the sound of sirens echo off the room. More tears come out of my eyes and I scream for help. This is my only chance to get out of here. With my body shaking terribly, I muster up enough strength to scream at the top of my lungs.

"HELP! IM IN HERE HELP!" I scream as loud as I can, please someone hear me.

"Shut up dammit!" My kidnapper yells and slaps me. My head whips to the side as I cry out in pain. Suddenly I hear something outside but I can't quite make it out because I'm going in and out of reality. Suddenly the window bursts open and police storm in holding guns. And then i see him a relieved, worried, and pissed off boy stands in the middle of the room with a gun and a bulletproof vest, Evan.

"Let her go you sick bastard or I'll fucking kill you." He says clenching his jaw as he clicks the gun, letting everyone know it's loaded. My kidnapper climbs off of me and smiles evilly.

"You're just a child please" he mocks Evan.

"Sure I'm only 17 but I have fucking perfect aim. So I suggest you put your hands up and fucking surrender." Evan says spitting the words at him. Surprisingly the man obeys and puts his hands up in the air as four police officers rush up to him and handcuff him. Then two help me, un cuffing me the bed. I see Evan rush over to me and he embraces me tightly. That's when I loose it. I sob like I never have before. It's all over. It's really over.

"You're okay now Ava I've got you alright? Shh it's okay I'm right here." Evan says trying to sooth me as he hugs me tightly.

"E-Evan....Danny..he-he's......alive." I can barely say the last word because by then I'm gone and surrounded by the darkness that follows me everywhere. It never leaves, it always stays and it's etched it's way into the depths of my mind where it's eating my soul alive. That's the thing that scares me most, not knowing if the darkness will ever leave my side not wanting to take me under and never see the light again. I will never know the answer until the day that it leaves but that day feels like forever. And forever is just too far away.

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