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Negan kept his word, as Arat drove me home she made sure that I knew that she wasn't happy about being there.
"Don't get the big deal, fuckin' princess" she kept muttering under her breath, pissed about her chauffeur duties.

When we arrived at Sanctuary she escorted me straight back to the Harem. I sat in my corner seat as she was all pointy fingers trying to look menacing, shitty that I'd wasted her time and skills.
"You are not to move from this room until he gets back, got it?" I looked at her, feeling agitated
"I'm pretty sure I've got it. Thank you Arat" I knew I was able to sass her a bit,  she couldn't touch me without Negan's say so.

Sherry sat next to me for most of the day, sensing that I needed company.
"Are you ok? What happened?" I just shook my head and stated
"I'll tell you later" I really wanted to trust her, but still felt the fresh burns from Amber, still paying the price for that mistake.

It was the afternoon by the time Negan barged into the Harem, scanning its inhabitants looking for me.
"Rackel, my room now!" I ran to his room and stood in the middle, unassuming and trembling. He followed me in and slammed the door.
"Oh my dear Rackel! You are a naughty girl aren't you?" I didn't respond, it would've just aggravated him further. He continued
"Had a change of heart? Don't think the rules apply to you?" Think quick I grasped at any response I could come up with.
"No Negan! I was jealous and you were flaunting your other wives in my face, I wasn't thinking straight" he walked up to me, using his frame to tower over me, intimidating me.
"Do you think I was born fucking yesterday? Amber told me you were all over him, professing your love for each other, I'm not a fucking idiot" his voice had a tinge of hurt in it and I seized my opportunity. I leaned up to kiss him roughly, pulling at his t-shirt.
"Who's Daryl?" I whispered as I pouted at him, hoping it would work.
He tugged the hair at the nape of my neck and possessed my mouth.
"Hmmmm, I'll be back in a bit baby, have a shower and get yourself relaxed" ironically none of what he said made me relaxed, but I took him up on his offer of a shower, finding I got my clearest thinking done there.

I took my time, washing my hair, scrubbing my body top to toe. I was going to have to be a lot more careful, I couldn't let anyone see me alone with Daryl I decided. I turned the tap off, stepped out of the shower and pat dried my hair, then my body. I put on the white Grecian dress that was hanging on the back of the door and decided to braid my hair.

I walked out of the bathroom and my heart dropped. Daryl was in the middle of Negan's bedroom strapped to a solid oak chair facing the bed, gagged with a dirty rag. I held my hand out and was about to go to him, but immediately stopped myself. Negan came strolling in with a Bowie knife tucked into his belt, fiddling with the handle as I watched it glint. He stopped next to Daryl and wolf whistled at me.
"Jesus Rackel, you look like a fucking goddess! I can hardly contain my excitement..." he pulled out the knife from his belt and cut off Daryl's gag harshly.
"How the fuck did you sleep next to that every night and not try any?" Daryl fought against his restraints, trying to leap out of the chair
"Dont you fucking touch her" he spat, Negan held the knife to his cheek; Daryl stopped resisting while he continued
"Daryl, Daryl, Daryl, I've already had a taste" he looked at me with a hooded gaze, licking the corner of his mouth. I clenched my jaw, genuinely afraid of what he'd say next. He strolled towards me confidently "Rackel, baby. I know I've been aching for this for too long" he walked behind me and clutched me tight into his body, resting his chin on my shoulder, grazing my neck with his teeth. I could feel Daryl's eyes on me but I couldn't look at him, knowing that that would be all it would take for me to burst into tears.

Negan ran his hand under the fabric on my other shoulder and let it fall to my elbow. Daryl looked away and Negan pulled out his knife, threatening him once again.
"You will watch! So help me God, Do not make me cut your eyelids off" he placed a hand on my collar bone, slowly making his way to my breasts. I decided then and there the only way I was going to save Daryl was to hurt him, make him believe I was over him.

I turned around and placed my hand on Negan's freshly shaven cheek, nipping and kissing at his jawline, something that Daryl loved. I looked into Negan's dark brown eyes and began humming Daryl's song. Negan looked over at Daryl and smiled, scooped me up, kissing me once more. He tugged at my earlobe roughly and whispered
"I think he's seen enough of the show, fucking pervert" he laughed and placed his nose on mine as I nodded and said in a voice I didn't recognise
"I want you all to myself" Negan turned, forcing me
to look at Daryl, his face was all muddled up in agony. I had to keep reminding myself that this was the only way to keep him safe. I hugged into Negan and heard his heart was racing, the only indicator that he was even human at all. He kissed my cheek and placed me on the side of the bed.
"I'll be back baby. I think Daryl's got a lot to think about, rethinking where he actually fits in." I nodded and just sat there motionless as they cleared him out of the room, feeling a bit numb to it all. When everyone was gone I laid on top of the covers and let the silent tears fall; it was the hardest thing I'd ever done. Hopefully he'll find his own place here and try to forget about us and what we used to be.

A/N Big shoutout to adamwjames who's helped me find my way again!! Your da bomb!!

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