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I stayed relatively immobile for the better part of a week. By day four I was going stir crazy, but was fortunate enough that Skye had come for her regular daily visit. That day was different; she brought in a gorgeous six string guitar and handed it over to me as I sat in the visitors chair, not wanting to spend anymore time in bed that was completely necessary.
"I remember you telling me how you missed playing music. I thought you'd get some use out of this!" Skye said, her buzzing energy was utterly contagious. I didn't realise I'd told her, tears welled up in my eyes at the selfless gesture; she was so disarming you wanted to share things, temporarily forget, pretend the world wasn't so desolate. The guitar was a old mini maton diesel special in a vintage hard case. I reverently picked it up from its case and admired its beautiful dark tan body.
"Thank you sweets, I can't remember the last time I played guitar. I hope I can still play!" I gushed at her as she winked at me as we giggled at each other.
"Will you play me something?" She asked hopefully, holding her hands together in mock prayer.
"I'll try, who could say no to that face" I teased as her beautiful blue eyes sparkled. I tuned the guitar in standard tuning and strummed a couple of chords as I felt it all flood back to me, like a duck to water.

It was a part of me I hadn't given time to in a very long time, adrenaline started pumping through my veins as I let the excitement envelope me.
"Did you listen to Adele?" I asked before starting the song that I had in mind.
"Ohhh I loved her! I wish we got to hear that album 21 she was going to bring out!" I nodded in appreciation, remembering back when I counted down the days to it's release, before it all happened.
I began to pluck the intro
"I've made up my mind, don't need to think it over..." she grinned in recognition as it hit her what song it was, she began slowly swaying her head to the rhythm. I sang the verse, venting a frustration I hadn't admitted to myself or even truly realised. I closed my eyes as I started the chorus
"Should I give up, or should I just keep chasing pavements, even if it leads nowhere" asking myself, feeling the pain and angst run out of me. As I opened my eyes they locked on to Negan's. He was lazily leaning on the doorframe, his arms crossed with Lucille perched on his hip, swinging like a metronome. His face was soft, welcome eyes resting on me. I began singing the song to him, a question to him; I was starting to realise what I wanted, I didn't want anymore bullshit! Negan has shown himself in snapshots and unwittingly started falling for him.

We stared into each other's eyes intently, this was more telling than words could have ever been. When I'd sung my final line, and strummed my final chord, a silence fell briefly over the room then Skye cheered.
"Oh my God Rackel! That was beautiful" she congratulated me and looked over to Negan, he remained in the doorframe unmoved.
"What did you think of that Negan? Wasn't that amazing?" She asked, still giddy. He nodded, not once moving his eyes from mine as he addressed me
"You just keep surprising me princess" I smiled at him in victory, and felt a bout of braveness and blew a kiss at him. I was rewarded for my bravery as he passed his bat to someone on the other side of the door and entered the room, picking me up guitar and all. I squealed holding it protectively and called to Skye
"Is it ok if you put her back in the case? I couldn't bare if something happened" she gently took the guitar off me and gingerly placed it back in her home.
"I'm glad you like it Rackel! I'll put it in a safe place" she looked truly proud of herself and I didn't blame her, she'd given me a precious gift.
"Alright Skye, I'm going to take Rackel to Carson to see how she's doing. Gotta make sure she's ship shape" he regarded her fondly as she excused herself. It was interesting to watch her walk, she never seemed to have a sense of purpose, like she had nowhere to be.

I turned my focus back to Negan as I placed my hand and my face to his chest. I contently listened to the thrumming of his heartbeat as it soothed me.
"You know I could walk, not that I'm complaining" I teased, nestling my head closer to his chest. He sighed
"You scared the fucking shit out of me, do you know that?" His statement filled with concern, it shocked me, I couldn't fathom it.
"It didn't go to plan did it? It went a bit pear shaped" I laughed awkwardly, not knowing how to respond to his concern. He quickly breathed through his nose
"I almost killed those fucking kids; how fucking hard is it to look to see whats right in fucking front of you?" His heart quickened once again and I felt his chest heave at his increased breathing. I looked up at him and tapped his chest to get his attention.
"It's really OK! They made a mistake, and like you said; they're just kids. I'm good, it could've been a lot worse" he gave me a scrupulous look, tilting his head to the loosely woven bandage on the back of my head. I jerked my lip, and shrugged not finding a reasonable argument.

As we arrived at the doctor's office Dr. Carson paused as he took in the scene, then chuckled to himself.
"I was about to check up on you Miss Walsh, but I guess I've been spared the trip" Carson looked at us, slightly bemused. Negan put me down on the examination bed as Carson proceeded to check all over me, check my head wound, clean it, then redress it.
"So what's the verdict Carson?" Negan asked, all business.
"She's healing up well! The stitches are sound and there are no signs of infection. Her reflexes appear to be normal also. We'll just keep an eye on her, but with a little rest she should be right as rain!" We both let out a sigh of relief in unison, then laughed at each other.
"Now get out of here you two!" He then issued me a warning as he continued.
"Take it easy! What happened to you was serious; calm down and recover" I nodded as I left the room with Negan, his arm draped over my shoulders as he lead me back to the Harem, I felt both apprehensive and excited.

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