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"Rick, what are we going to do? We can't wait much longer!" I yelled across to the tired and worn leader, frustrated by his indecision.

Maggie clasped my hand. Her beautiful vibrant complexion had a sickly chalky hue to it. Her short cropped cut stuck to her face in damp tendrils.

I placed my hand on her forehead and almost immediately removed it, her skin scorching. I grabbed a bottle of water from my pack and tilted it to give my dear friend a few sips, praying that she would be able to keep it down. Her body doubled over as she held her slender fingers of her free hand protectively over her abdomen.

Her husband, Glenn, had been gone for days in search of Daryl after his kamikaze mission. We were both worried for our partners. We eagerly waited for any sign they were coming back to us. The gates opening, an engine roaring, any sign they were finally back.

There'd been nothing.

Although we would've loved to wait for their return, the time for waiting was coming to an end. Irreversible damage may have already been done and we couldn't leave it any longer.

Rick leaned against the sill of Maggie's Alexandrian home. His shoulders slouched, looking at me with pleading eyes as he stroked his unkempt beard. If anyone could convince her, it was me.

"Honey." I squeezed her hand to get Maggie's attention, speaking softly, "I know it's not the best time to leave Alexandria and you want to wait for Glenn to come back, but we need to go for the sake of your little one." I placed my hands over hers. "He can meet us there! You know our boys can get past those Savior assholes, no problem!"

Maggie grimaced but nodded. She knew it was the right thing to do, that Glenn would've wanted her to put their baby first.

I stared Rick down, urging him to make the call.

He finally nodded. "We've gotta go."

Those three words set everything in motion. Abraham pulled the RV up to the front Maggie's heritage-style residence. I laid a thin blanket over her to regulate her temperature while Rick and Abe carefully picked her up and walked to the vehicle. I was on their heels the whole way.

I had made a promise to Glenn that I would keep her safe.

I was gonna make good on that promise.

Sitting next to her, I placed my hand on her shoulder. Maggie tilted her head and her glassy hazel eyes focused on me.

"Rackel?" she groaned.

"Yes, Mags?" My fragile smile teetered. But, I took a large breath in, and soldiered on. She'd always been my rock and now was my time to return the favor.

Tears formed in her eyes. "I'm scared."

"Don't get all soft on me now, girly!" I swallowed razor blades. "Otherwise, I'll have to kick your butt!"

"We'll get through this Maggie." Rick chimed in over my shoulder.Rick knelt beside us, wiping the sweat sodden hair off her face.

Maggie looked at him sceptically. "How do... you know?" Her voice broke halfway through her question.

Rick responded without a moment's hesitation. "Because we're all together. We've all made it through much worse and we've always been together." He held out his hand to me and I took it. "That's how I know."

Maggie smiled for the first time in days.

"Bitch nuts!" Abraham yells, as we all lurched forward, the brakes whining. The ex-military tough guy looked back after he made the RV come to an abrupt halt. His icy blue peepers locked onto mine. That was the first time I saw any possible doubt in the man. And it made my stomach churn.

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