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No matter what time of day it was, there was hardly any light shining down on the town. Dark clouds covered any hint of sunlight that might have been, and the fog made it difficult to see more than ten feet in front of you. Still, Isaac decided to explore.
Every building Isaac walked passed had colorful stained glass windows, and each one had a large cross hanging somewhere. It made Isaac uneasy- it was like everyone was protecting themselves from some unholy spirit he didn't know of. All of the buildings were boarded up, except for the chain stores and grocery markets. There was one store that caught his eye, however: a record store.
The store had no cross, so it already seemed alienated from the rest. Through the (normal glass) window, Isaac could see a warm light shining inside. A small sign pinned to the door read OPEN. Slowly, Isaac opened the door and walked inside.
Upon his entry, a burly man behind a desk glanced up from his Nintendo. He looked about a year or two older than Isaac, with wavy brown hair, a beard, and tattoos covering both of his arms. Isaac noticed a box of cigarettes by the cash register.
"Hey there." The man smirked, setting down his game. He leaned against the counter. "I'm James."
"Uh, hi!" Isaac smiled awkwardly. "I'm Isaac."
"I haven't seen you here. In fact, I haven't heard a voice like yours in years." James eyed Isaac up and down. He spoke in a thick Irish accent, which seemed to match the way he looked. "You new?"
"Yeah. I'm studying abroad right now. I'm from New Jersey."
"You moved here? Willingly?"
"..Yeah. Is that bad?"
"Do you have a death wish?" James laughed. "I'm pretty sure people still get burned at the stake here for wearing black. Don't know how I've escaped the religion cops." He stepped out from behind the counter.
"I don't really understand." Isaac started picking at a scab on his arm.
"I'm just messing with you." James patted him on the shoulder. "This town is religion central. It's filled with elderly people who think anyone who doesn't believe is a witch. Can you believe people still think like that?"
"I'm guessing you're not religious."
"Not a chance. I pick up a bible when I want a good chuckle." He started to walk towards the other side of the store. "Lemme go get Andy."
While James was gone, Isaac uncomfortably glanced around the store. They had some good music stored here, but a lot of it was definitely stuff heavy religious people wouldn't approve of. Judging by the way James looked, it was probably opened by him or his family.
Soon, James came back with another man, this one thin as a stick and with blond, swooped hair. Isaac waved a little.
"I'm Andy," the man said, nodding. His accent wasn't nearly as thick. Unsure what to do, Isaac just nodded back.
     "Oi, Isaac, where the hell do you even live?" James asked, raising an eyebrow. "There's no one moving into our neighborhood, and that's like the only neighborhood in the entire town."
     "I'm in that really old place by all the cemeteries. That sort of historical one?"
     James and Andy shared a surprised glance. "Damn. You're on Vampire Street?"
     "What?" Isaac chuckled, clearly blushing. He knew he shouldn't be asking if he wanted to sleep tonight, but his curiosity got the best of him.
     "I know the house you're talking about," Andy responded. "You've got the giant graveyard right behind you, right? Everyone has weird opinions about that place- it's haunted, there's a vampire living nearby, blah blah."
     "Careful what you say, Andy." James smiled mockingly. "He could be watching." The two of them laughed, and Isaac just stood with terror building up inside him.
     "Have people seen him? The vampire?" He asked.
     "He's up there every night, by that giant tree. No one knows for sure who he is, but people think it's that Bennett kid." James paused to think, then nudged Andy. "Shit, mate, how was he important?"
     "His dad was in charge of the town," Andy replied, a smug smile plastered on his face. "He was one of those angsty teens. They say he got real sick, and some doctor turned him into a vampire. Apparently he negotiated with Jack the Ripper."
     "Wow. That was a really long time ago."
"Yep. About once every year, someone in this town starts acting all weird and then they disappear. They never come back."
"It's 'cos the man fucking eats them!" James butted in. "He keeps the body in his house until all the blood is gone."
"Master of manipulation, too. Apparently he makes the victim think they're his little special thing, and that they're different from all the other ones. Those edgy vamp-obsessed chicks have no idea what's coming until he's biting into them like a sandwich."
"You guys sure do like this story," Isaac interrupted, hiding his shaky hands into his pockets.
"Nothing else here to keep us entertained." James sighed, but his eyes softened when he saw Isaac worriedly bite his lip. "But hey- they're just legends. Don't wanna scare the new kid away just yet. I promise there are some nice people here."
"Anyway," Andy continued, looking a little disappointed that the story had stopped. "You're here for a reason. Can we help you?"
"Oh, uh..not right now. I'm just exploring," Isaac replied. "I'll come back though. I swear."
"No problem. We don't get much business, by the way, so don't expect the place to be packed at any time." Andy shrugged. "Good luck here, you filthy American."
Isaac laughed and said goodbye, then walked back outside into the fog. It was an odd transition- from warm, mellow light and noise to cold, black silence. He wasn't too fond of it.
He glanced over at the ocean of trees that swallowed the graveyard. At first they looked normal, but Isaac's blood ran cold when he saw a dark figure in the trees. It was looking straight at him, and when he took a step forward its head followed him. His heart started to pound and the buildings around him became too much for him to handle.
Isaac ran.

Boy in the Mist (Vampire BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now