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3 Months Later
     "When'd you get up?"
Isaac leaned against the doorway, staring at Raymond's back. Raymond tore his gaze from the midnight sky and turned around.
"Maybe twenty minutes ago," he said. "What about you?"
"Just now. I had a bad dream."
"What happened?" Raymond walked over to where Isaac was standing and touched his arm.
"It was just weird. I think..I think I was dying. There was blood all over the place, and I felt sick and weak. You were there standing over me and you kept begging me to let you bite me. I didn't want you to but you didn't want to let me die, and..yeah. It was stressful."
Raymond suddenly squeezed Isaac's arm. "Well, it was just a dream, right? We don't need to worry about that happening. Hopefully it never will."
"Yeah. Hopefully." Isaac felt a lump in his throat. "Can you come to bed?"
"Of course. Are you okay?"
"Yeah. It was just surreal. We've kind of been in that moral conflict for a while, huh? Over whether or know." Isaac touched his neck.
Raymond's shoulders fell. "Maybe it's a sign that the stress of it has really gotten to us."
"I'm just so tired. I wanna go to bed."
"Yeah. I regret getting out of bed. It might make it harder for me to sleep now."
"Let's have trouble falling asleep together." Isaac gave a half smile.
And that's just what they did.
"I can't wait to get some actual rest during break," Isaac said.
"Why aren't you resting then?" Raymond turned his head towards him.
"I don't know. I just..I feel like I'm pressed for time. It'll be Christmas soon, and I'm not able to go see my own mother. My family. What if they're all gone one day, and I didn't.." Isaac gave a shaky sigh. "I didn't savor it?"
"Honey, I know a lot about feeling pressed for time." Raymond ran his fingers through Isaac's hair. "I feel like that daily. Hell, I feel like that with you. I mean, one day you'll be gone, given that I don't have to turn you. Which, hopefully won't happen."
"It'll be a long time before I'm gone, though."
"Exactly." Raymond smiled sympathetically. "It's the same with your family. It'll be a long time. But I promise you that, at some point, we'll get you back to New Jersey."
Isaac blushed. "Thanks, baby," he replied, scooting closer to his boyfriend. "Hopefully you'll do well on a plane."
Raymond gasped in delight. "I get to go on one? I've never been."
"You won't even realize you're on a plane, trust me. It's so easy."
"But it's so huge. And you're up so high."
"I'll be there. And we can close the little blind thing so no sun hits you."
"I'll be fine if I have clothes on," Raymond chuckled.
"It'll just be cool to be with you."
The two stared at each other, embarrassed smiles on their faces. Raymond's bright red eyes were so beautiful now that Isaac was adjusted to them. Isaac bit his lip and slowly started to lean forward.
Raymond had the same idea. Their lips pressed together, and they soon had their arms around each other, holding onto clothes and hair and whatever could bring them closer.
     Raymond felt soft. He still wore Isaac's pajamas, which were fuzzy and made to be warm. The skin on his arms, while cold and sickly, was smooth. His hair was fluffy with shampoo.
"You smell good," Isaac said, gasping for air and catching a familiar scent. "I think I've smelled that before."
"Maybe I used your shampoo. So what? I liked the way it smelled."
"It suits you."
     Although it was inevitable, Isaac was sad when they were done. He wanted to go on and on, but that was impossible.
    "I have something I've been wanting to say," Raymond muttered, touching his forehead to Isaac's.
     "The time we've spent together has been wonderful. I really appreciate everything you've done for me, and you're the most pleasant person I've ever come across."
     The tone in his voice made Isaac think there would be a "but". He waited in anticipation.
     "But you're not going to cure me."
     There it was.
     "You've made me feel better about myself and made me more hopeful, definitely. But I'm still sad. I'm still somewhat grieving, even though my family left so long ago. I just wanted you to know that if I act frustrated or sad, it's not your fault. It's not because you're not good enough. I just need proper care, I think."
     Isaac nodded. "I know, Ray. And your wellbeing is more important to me than New Jersey. We can get you help."
     "Well, New Jersey is what'll make you feel better. We're both important, so we need to think equally."
     "I just want you to be happy for once in your life. You deserve it more than anything. I hope I'm helping."
     "Isaac," Raymond exhaled, "I don't know how I could describe it to you. When I'm with you, I feel comfortable. I feel like a normal person. I'm not in some stuffy old suit laying on a mattress, I'm in pajamas! In a house, on a bed! It makes me happy that someone would even provide these things for me.
     "I don't feel like a vampire. People used to define me by that. Especially the girls. They liked me because I was a cool vampire. But to you, I'm a person. Your boyfriend. I never thought I'd be going after animals. Ever! But here I am. I did it, and you motivated me."
     "..Wow, Ray, I didn't..I'm really glad you feel that way. You've really helped me, too."
     Comfortable was a good word, Isaac thought. Raymond made him feel less anxious. Like he could be himself. Was that the same as comfortable?
     Isaac squeezed Raymond's wrist. "I think you're right."
     "About what?"
     "I don't know about you, but I don't mind where we are. Ireland, New Jersey, Russia, Mexico, anywhere is fine with me as long as you're there too. I'll be comfortable if you're with me."
     "I really love you, Isaac. Thank you." Raymond gave Isaac another tiny kiss.
     "I love you too. I'll see you in the morning, okay?"
     "Get some good rest. Goodnight."
     Isaac closed his eyes, holding hands and touching foreheads with his boyfriend. He smiled to himself and snuggled in closer, letting himself feel what they both needed to feel:

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