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     Hey guys, just wanted to know how you're enjoying this. I like writing it but it's definitely something new for me.
     Isaac's first class wasn't in one of those large, intimidating dome-shaped rooms that you see in movies. In fact, it looked like a high school classroom, complete with only one left handed desk that he was luckily able to claim.
     He liked the professor for this class; he seemed a lot less strict than the others. However, the students didn't look very friendly. They acted the same way that they acted on the tour- cold, paying no attention to anyone, and not cracking a smile even when Isaac greeted them.
     Once everyone had sat down, the professor started talking about the syllabus. Isaac immediately started to become bored, and he couldn't keep his mind off of the day before.
     Raymond had walked with Isaac around the perimeter of the cemetery, then led him towards the middle near where they met. "I want to show you something," he had said, taking Isaac's hand and pulling him along. Isaac was surprised- the whole time he'd been here, no one had touched him in such a friendly way. He had shaken hands, and Raymond had grabbed him by the wrist, but that was it. Raymond was much more gentle than last time.
     Raymond had come to a stop at a group of headstones, and Isaac stepped back to avoid walking on top of them. Raymond smirked. "Look." He nodded his head towards one of the middle ones.
     Isaac looked at the words imprinted on the stone. Raymond Charles Bennett. 1828-1849. Son of famed doctor William Bennett.
     "Recognize the name?" Raymond's stupid smirk stayed plastered on his face.
     "I..you told James and Andy that the vampire was named Charles Bennett."
     "Yes. I didn't start the vampire legend, but I was the one who revealed the name. I didn't want to get exposed, so I just used my middle name."
     Isaac stared at the grave. It had to have been made over a hundred years ago, due to the weathering stone and fading letters. There obviously wasn't a body under there, right?
     "They made that grave when people heard about my death. Unfortunately, my body had 'gone missing' at the time, so they just used an empty coffin. These three, however," he gestured towards the row of graves beside his, "they have bodies."
     "Raymond, this is kinda grim. I.." Isaac didn't know what to say. It had been, what, three days? And now Raymond was showing him his own grave.
     "I know, but this is the truth. Here's my mother, sister, and father." He pointed to each. Lucy, Ada, and William. "All of them are dead. Died over a hundred years ago."
"Do you come here a lot? To see them?"
"To see Ada, mostly. She spent time with me even after she knew what was going on."
     "What did she think?"
     "She hardly understood. She was only twelve when she died."
     "Oh, god.." Isaac sighed, biting his knuckle.
     Raymond shrugged. "Same sickness I had."
     "That's horrible."
     "I know. It's the truth, though. Mothers die. Children die." He brought his hand up to his neck, trying to cover up the red marks. "People die."
Though Raymond wasn't acting suspicious, Isaac had had this sliver of doubt in the back of his mind the whole time. Did Raymond actually care about him enough to show him things like this, or did he show this grave to every girl he came across? Did every victim have the same experience, hear the same words, feel the same feelings Isaac did? Was this all just some plot?
Raymond glanced over at Isaac. "I'm not trying to gain your pity. I don't want anyone's pity."
"How did the rest of your family react?" Isaac asked, ignoring Raymond's obvious reach for sympathy. "When they saw you?"
"My mother shut me out. She didn't believe I was really her son; she thought I was some sort of imposter trying to get something out of her. Ada, however, knew it was me. I never saw Father, and my older brother was away at the time."
"Where's his grave?"
"Again, he had travelled upward. His grave is likely near wherever he went."
"It's a cruel reminder of how things used to be, but I absolutely love seeing remnants of the 19th century. Time goes by so fast, doesn't it?"
Isaac had just nodded.
After class, Isaac stared blankly down at the syllabus his professor had given him. He wasn't reading it, so much as pretending to. He was walking down the stairs to his next class when he turned and saw a few other kids staring at him. They whispered, and Isaac gazed worriedly at them. They all had on similar dressy clothing- was he supposed to have some sort of uniform?
"How long did it take you to get that hair looking as awful as it does?" One of them said in a snarky voice, while another smirked behind him.
"L-Less time than it took for you to put on ten gallons of hair gel," Isaac said, continuing down the stairs. It wasn't a good response, and he was embarrassed to have stuttered, but it was better than crying and running off. That's what he did in middle school.
So that's why they were looking at him. He was weird.
James and Andy didn't think he was weird. Neither did his mother, or his old friends, or Raymond..
Isaac had walked by the mausoleum on the way to his college. Upon peeking in the doorway, he saw Raymond asleep on his mattress. He was lying on his back, hands folded onto his chest. He had taken his suit jacket off, but kept on the dress pants and white button-down.
With his skin so pale and sickly it was almost yellow and his bony figure, Raymond looked dead. He was wearing fancy enough clothing to be lowered into a coffin. Isaac felt horrible just looking at him.
It was just the face. The rest of his body was bony and gross and sickly, but there was a certain power- attractiveness- in that perfect, round face. Vampires had a power like that, right?
In any case, Isaac loved that face.

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