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     "I'm a little worried to try this on," Raymond said, smiling awkwardly. "I don't think I've ever worn short sleeves."
     "Never?!" Isaac's eyes widened. "What about when it gets hot? Are you in a suit?"
     "It never gets hot here. Besides, I'm normally very cold."
     "If you think you're gonna get cold in  that, I can find you something else."
     "No, no, don't do that." Raymond shook his head. "I'll see what it's like to have free arms."
     He looked even cuter in pajamas.
The shirt was a little big on him (Isaac had always loved baggy shirts), but that was even better. He looked like a normal person, aside from his arms. Although they looked healthier than they did in daylight, they were still bony and sickly looking.
"I don't know if I'm pulling this off," Raymond said, shrugging.
"You look cute. Are you comfy?"
"Extremely. This is the most comfortable thing I've ever worn." He sat on the edge of Isaac's bed and kicked his legs. "These pants are so soft!"
"You can borrow some of my clothes sometime if you want. Those suits must get uncomfortable."
"Maybe I could try them on one day."
"And if you need to wash your clothes or your hair, just come here. As long as it's not really late, I'm cool with it."
"You really mean it?" Raymond raised his eyebrows.
"Of course. I want to make things easier for you. Maybe then you won't feel the need to get more human blood. You'll be distracted."
"Right." Raymond tried to keep a straight face, but his eyes quickly softened and he smiled. "No one's ever offered that much to me."
"Well, I am now. I don't mind at all- it'd be nice to have some company."
Isaac's thoughts were racing. Is that why he immediately fell for Raymond: because he was lonely? He had been so used to living with his mother that moving away left him with nobody. Was he just trying to fill a void? Was it just Raymond's magnetism? He hoped not.
He knew Raymond had no control over Isaac falling in love, but Isaac hated him for it.
He suddenly felt Raymond wrap his arms around him. It wasn't a side hug or a friendly shoulder pat- it was a full hug. Isaac wanted the world to freeze right then, in that moment.
"Isaac, you are just wonderful," Raymond whispered into Isaac's ear, squeezing the back of his shirt. Isaac was too surprised to hug him back.
"It's.. it's no problem, Raymond, really." Isaac stuttered out, blushing.
"Why do you have to be so sweet? You're so compassionate."
Isaac was unsure as to why Raymond was doing this. Did Raymond want the same thing he did? Was he making a move? Or was he just being nice like he always was?
"You're really sweet too, Raymond."
Isaac felt cold lips touch his cheek, then Raymond quickly pulled away before Isaac could register what happened. He wanted to ignore Raymond's moves, but it was so hard to.
"Where do you want me to sleep?" Raymond asked, completely ignoring what had just happened. "I'll sleep on the floor if I need to."
Isaac paused, still in shock. "You're not getting the floor. You can sleep on the couch."
"Alright." Raymond stood up. "I don't want to keep you up late, seeing as you have class tomorrow. You still need to change, anyway."
"..Yeah. Class. I'll show you where to go."
Isaac led Raymond into the living room and gave him a blanket. Raymond was excited to sleep somewhere new, and he thanked Isaac over and over again.
Since Isaac had gotten more adjusted to his house, he was able to sleep without a light in the hallway. He fixed Raymond and himself a glass of water.
"Hey, Ray?" Isaac asked, setting Raymond's glass down on the side table.
"Did you really mean it when you said I was next?" Isaac bit his lip. "I mean, did you really consider me?"
"I considered everyone. You, James, Andy, even random people at the stores. Normally, by now, some girl has moved in, but I guess the person to move in this time was you. I'm not complaining, though."
"So would you ever try know, trick me? Make me trust you and then strike?"
"You know I don't do it without permission." Raymond stared at the ceiling, his gaze hard and cold.
Isaac wanted to melt into the ground. Was he really that stupid to forget something like that? He held on tightly to his glass, trying to make out Raymond's face in the dark.
"One more thing," he muttered, since he couldn't get it off of his mind.
"Did you mean it when you said you liked punk boys? Like me?"
"Hell yes," Raymond said with no hesitation. "Punk boys are so cute."
Isaac chose to think of that statement as truth. Raymond wasn't one to lie, right?
So it was true. Both of them wanted each other, but neither wanted to acknowledge it. It was too early to acknowledge it.
"I'm going to bed."
"Sleep well. Thank you so much for letting me stay here."
Something tells me this won't be the last time, Isaac wanted to say. He wanted to grab Raymond by the wrist and pull him to the bed, hugging him tightly and receiving more cold kisses. He didn't want sex, he wanted intimacy. They could be two different things sometimes.
He just wasn't bold enough.

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