Knowing The Truth (Rewritten)

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I edited this part just a little bit since I was bored and I found out this part was pretty cringe to read
Hope you guys understand
And for those who are new here,the pic above is their apartment


Misuku's P.O.V
I was walking home and the sun was setting,that's how I know that it was five in the afternoon.I know I'm not supposed to stay at school until this late...but what else could I do? Tasuku and Jack doesn't really go home until night-time...even though there's no one to play with.I don't really like talking to new people or making friends after the old mister...

I shivered at that memory...he almost..."Touched me".Those days were really sad,Tasuku wouldn't stop crying and apologizing to me,even when I told him its not his fault that the mister in the alleyway was a bit "Coo-coo" in the head.I don't have any friends,making the other kids think that I'm weird and started to pick on me.Still,I don't really mind any of that,I still love my home since that's where I see Tasuku and Jack,my only family...well not really ONLY family...more like,the only ones who are actually there.

That's why I normally go home alone because their busy with the buddy police,I can't blame them since they have to work just to make money and stuff...but its still gets lonely at home sometimes...

~Time Skip~
When I was at the front of our apartment I felt my mood slightly one can call me stupid names at home,right? I went up the steps then took the keys of our house from my back-pack and went inside.

"I'm home!" I greeted,even when I knew no one would answer...

I just put my white bunny looking bag by my bed and played some games on my phone while waiting for my babysitter.Her name was Shinobu Nunotaba,she comes over every day to whatch over me,she's also just a few years older than Tasuku and lives right beside us.

I looked at my hand and tried my best to make AT LEAST a small spark of electricity,but instead the spark came out of the top of my head,so I sighed in defeat.

You must be wondering why I can control electricity,you and Tasuku are born Espers,specifically Electromasters.It means we have some super-powers or something,our super-power is controlling electricity and electrical devices (Tasuku's the only one who can do the second one right now).I'm your everyday Level 0,but my Big Brother is at an amazing Level 4 even when he's just thirteen! But of course...someone is still better than him...

The Level 5 Electromaster,Mikoto Misaka...or more likely known as...The Railgun.Misaka-chan and Tasuku somehow became friends (Or at least,I think their friends) even though they live SUPER far apart.

But this story isn't about her,its about me and my Big Brother.If you want a story about Misaka-chan,go search Toaru Kagaku no Railgun.

"Misuku? Are you in there?" I heard a girl's voice from behind the door,so I ran to it and opened it to see a short,curly black haired girl in a black and white maids uniform.

"Shikoku!" I said while hugging my friend and babysitter...and sometimes even doctor.

"Let's get inside so I can examine you,is that alright? And it's SHINOBU,Shi-no-bu."

I just nodded and pulled her inside the house.Shinobu pulled out a few doctor tools from a black bag and took a piece of my hair and put it inside something,she does this a lot.

The Life Of A Ryuenji (Tasuku Ryuenji And Sister OC) [Under Extreme Editing]Where stories live. Discover now