A/N :Not Something Bad But Please Read!

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Hello my dear reader's~!
Sorry for not updating for some time but hear me out...
Today is a special day today...

Its a Sweet and Sour Birthday and here's why...
1.) Sweet: My Bestie of a sort greeted me Happy B-day the second she saw me in school grounds.
2.) Sweet: My seat mate greeted me Happy B-day.
3.) Bitter: I had to practice for something that isn't allowed in my religion so it wasn't fun for me.
4.) Bitter: My teacher practically scolded me for not paying my PTA.
5.) My neighbors sang Happy B-day to me when I got home for lunch.
6.) Sweet: My Mommy decorated my room with her present,which was a blue bed cover with 2 matching pillow cases and My Daddy's present which was a new pair of Converse which kinda had the colors of light peach and black I think?
7.) Sweet: My Bestie got me a present which was Whoopie which is a snack with a white marshmallow and a cookie all coated with chocolate.
8.) Bitter: My other seat mate forgot about my B-day and only remembered when I told her the fact that my Daddy got me a new pair of Converse.
9.) Sweet: My seat mate got me a small,turquoise colored sign pen with a circular fan on top of it designed with a unicor.
10.) Bitter & Sweet: I got my Student Teacher's autograph because today was their last day so they gave me a remembrance.
11.) Bitter: I had to do the same practice as the one on No.3 from 3 pm-5pm.
12.) Bitter: I had to walk home from that stupid practice.
13.) Sweet: My neighbors sang happy B-day again.
14.) Sweet: My Mommy prepared a surprise party for me.
15.) Sweet: My family members went to my B-day though they lived quit far away...a 2-3 hour trip maybe?
16.) Sweet: I got a bunch of presents from my friends and family.
17.) Bitter: My close friend/Neighbor doesn't have a present today.
18.) Sweet: My close friend/Neighbor will get me a present tomorrow.
19.) In one of my presents,which is a gold/yellow wallet,I found a 50 peso cash inside it.
20.) Sweet: My grandfather gave a 500 peso cash.
21.) Sweet: My other neighbor gave me a 100 peso cash.
22.) Bitter & Sweet: My first and last time going to church with My close friend/Neighbor because she's moving to Manila on Feburary 2,2019,Saturday.
23.)  Bitter & Sweet: My first and last time walking home in the dark with all of My close friends/Neighbors because the girl in No.22 is moving to Manila on Feburary 2,2019,Saturday.
24.) Bitter: My close friends/Neighbors who are boys teased me a bit.
25.) Sweet: Me and my close friends/Neighbors who are girls talked in my room.

So it was an endless cycle of Bitter and Sweet but heh who cares!
I got a bunch of presents and money so now I'm happy!!!
That's all for today/night guyz!

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