Please...(Part 4)

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"Oh come on,give me break!" I yelled as I used some of my Mana to use my Electro-powers and blasted the door...and what I saw made my heart sink...

Tasuku's P.O.V
Rika was holding my sister...over the safety rails of the rooftop...

"RIKA WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?" I said while just pulling on my hair,but seriously,the fuck?!

"Oh? Your was Ronald wasn't it? I swear to whatever is up there I would've killed him by now." Rika said,then faced me while holding my little sister by her chest like a teddy bear.

"How is it baby boy? How much despair is climbing up your chest right now? How does it FEEL to feel despair all over again? Must be nice having a huge break from all the TORTURE a Ryuenji could cause...I envy your side of the family...y'know? You and you siblings being the only ones to TRULY escape our family traditions...but that doesn't mean you escaped the family CURSE." Rika then let out a menacing laugh,giving me shivers all over my body.

"C-Curse? What...curse?" Misuku asked,Rika stayed quite for a moment...but then went into a fit of laughter.

"Oh my god none of you even told here? I can't tell if your dumb or just a plain wimp! I-I bet you didn't even CONSIDER telling her AT LEAST the witch part! I'm right aren't I!? " Rika continued laughing while we just stared at her like she grew three heads.

"You see dear,once upon a time there was an unimaginable religious young woman,wanted kids but couldn't have any even though she prayed...and prayed...and prayed,but the god never listened." Rika said,and I took the chance and tried to sprint towards them...TRIED.

"TAKE ANOTHER STEP I FUCKING DARE YOU!!!" She screamed,so I instantly stopped.

"Where was I? Ah,yes.Then one day a forbidden being roamed the earth and met the young woman...and he promised her that he will give her a child and it will never become like she agreed and a few months later had a stunning young boy and girl.Life was great for them until a few years later the children showed...CHANGES...they showed signs of their father,fair skin paled,magic grew,emotions darkened...then said signs grew stronger and stronger until the mother couldn't take it anymore...and left them to fend for themselves,so,the twins went in search for their father using their new found strength and powers until they indeed meet Misuku-chan...what kind of being do you think their father was? Take a guess." Rika said with a smile,I could now see the tears forming on my sisters eyes.

"A...A d-demon?" She said,trembling.

"Nope! It was a-!"


There was then a cut on Rika's cheek,and blood started to drip ever so slowly.

"I think we had enough of your stories,Rika-chan." I said,still pointing the gun I just shot.Rika put two fingers on the new wound then took it off to look at it.

"You...GODDAMN BRAT!" Rika then held my sister over the ledge by her cape's hood.

"Don't you dare or I'll-!"

"You'll what!? Shoot me? She falls either way you imbecile! And besides...I'm not dumb,your too soft to kill anyone,aren't you? To the point you even defied the orders of your Magia Leader!"


"YOU DON'T EVEN GIVE A CRAP ABOUT ANY OF THEM! YOUR JUST THERE SO THAT YOUR SISTER DOESN'T HAVE TO DO ALL THIS DIRTY WORK! WELL GUESS WHAT!? SHE WILL FIND OUT EVENTUALLY YOU SHIT BIRD!!!...Or better yet...let her DIE without knowing anything at all." Then...she did the unthinkable...she let go of my sister.

"See you in hell honey~."

"NO!" I said then sprinted towards the rails...and jumped over.

"TASUKU WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Frisk said...but I stayed silent as I tried to reach for my sister...and because air was getting into my ears,making it hard to hear anything.

"Nii-chan!" Misuku said,trying to reach up to me.

We we're getting closer...and closer to the ground...but I was able to catch up to her because of our weight difference,so I grabbed her hand and pulled her close...and did the only thing I could.I took the witch hat shaped pendant inside my clothes and clenched it.

"Εξοπλίζω! Γκράφιντορ Μάγισσα! (Exoplízo! Nkráfintor Mágissa!)" I said.

And as expected,my clothes changed into a black long sleeved shirt with a red line on the sleeves and on the hem of the shirt,a cape above the shirt just like the one my sister is wearing now...minus the hood,black pants and boots with red outlines and finally...a witch hat with red edges and a red ribbon held in place by the Gryffindor crest.We were almost at the bottom,so I then casted another spell...

"WitchVille in porta!" And just like that...I casted the spell by the last second...and now...were traveling towards the last place I ever wanter her to see....

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long!
I've been doing...stuff lately...
But anyway I hope you enjoyed!
Please vote,comment and follow my account!
That's all! Bye~

The Life Of A Ryuenji (Tasuku Ryuenji And Sister OC) [Under Extreme Editing]Where stories live. Discover now