chapter 6

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A/N: Coal is actually Cole. I corrected it.


Nathan's P. O. V


[1 month later]

I was in my room doing my homework before deciding to go down to get something to eat.

Drew, Andrew and Asher were watching football intently and they looked really happy.

"Yes, goal!" Drew shouted, hugging his dad who laughed

"Damn son, I think we should go to the field to play football like we used to" Asher suggested.

"Yeah" Andrew replied, looking at an excited Drew.

I realised that they had a very close relationship, just like my dad and I.

Asher did everything along with them; eat, watch football and even buying groceries. He tried to include me in some activities but I always refused because I realised that the more time I spent with Asher, the more angry the twins gets and humiliate me at school.

Everybody knows that they're my step brother and a rumour was spread about me being an attention seeker, always threatening them to spend time with me, or else, I would tell their dad.

Please, as if!

Oh and like Castiel said, they throw away their 'Toys' each month though, this time, Castiel said they were together for two weeks only.

Huh, not my problem!

"Hey Nathan, come and join us!" Asher said rather hopefully and since I was bored, why not join them?

I'll deal with their revenge tomorrow.


I walked towards my locker and squealed when I was tripped. My books fell on the floor and so did I. I pouted and layed there, glaring at none other than Drew.

That guy has been pissing me off since last month.

He kept knocking me on the floor, dirtied my P.E clothes and his friends have been teasing me non-stop!

He smirked and walked away. I knew it was yesterday's revenge!

What is wrong with them??

I got up, picking my things and patted my clothes.

"Nathan!" A voice exclaimed and a smile tugged at my lips knowing who the person was.

"Yes, Cole?" I said looking at him with a kind smile and he smiled excitedly before frowning.

"What's that?" He asked, pointing to my bottle of water

"That's a bottle of water Cole"

"Why is it blue?"

"That's its colour, Cole"

"Oh! Why is mine transparent?" He asked in confusion, tilting his head to his right making me sighed before smiling again.

"Because we don't have the same bottle, Cole" I replied

"What's that?"

"Bye Cole" I said but he followed me.

"Where are you going?" He asked

"Away from you" I said, internally amused

I loved the response of this little guy.

"Can I come?" He asked

"No Cole. That's what away from you mean" I teased and he frowned harder

"Why can't I come come?" He asked with a pout and I laughed

Twin step-brothers, great! BxbxbWhere stories live. Discover now