chapter 16

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One more chapter left before the epilogue

Note at the end

Read the chapter first.


Nathan's P.O.V


"It's now, isn't it?" I whispered and Drew nodded making me sighed

"How did anyone find out? We were careful that time" I whispered in confusion.

"We know love, let's just see who the person is" Andrew whispered and I nodded

It was currently 2.45 after school and we waited, just like we were told to.

Drew and Andrew both held my hands and we walked towards the locker room. Somehow, we didn't close the door because we were too stressed.

Silence reigned in the room and shiver ran down my spine

"We're here" Andrew said loudly and my heart started beating faster when I heard a deep, dark chuckle. We heard footsteps in slow motion, each steps being made made my stomach clench in curiousness and anger

"I know" The person replied and the three of us stiffened at his voice

That voice...

We would know it from anywhere.

A tall guy, black hair with a smirk stood in front of us making me clench my fist in anger.


"Well well sunshine, surprised to see me?" He taunted, tossing a pen drive in the air.


Where did that come from now?

"What do you want, Steve?" Drew growled and Steve burst out of laughing

"That's pretty obvious, isn't it Drew? I want you to suffer Drew, want you to feel vulnerable for once! I want you to pay for everything I was called, worthless, loser. I didn't get the scholarship, you did. You snatched everything from me and now, I want revenge" He voice was filled with anger and hatred making me sighed

How stupid was I?

I thought talking to him, he understood, but clearly, he didn't!

"What are you going to do with the videos? You could have post this and take your revenge. Why warn us.. Why include Nathan in this?" Andrew said coldly and Steve smirked.

His eyes met mine and an unknown glint was present in them.

Wait was that...


As soon as it came, it was gone.

Huh, maybe he remembered I was once his friend and felt slightly bad but I guess that his hatred for Drew won.

"It has all to do with Nathan, Andrew. You have everything you want! At first, I was searching for something to use against you, to threaten you to reject your scholarship but I found better. Something that will benefit me more, it will hurt Drew much more and I'll gain something I desired for long" he said in a low voice making me more confused

"What do mean?" I asked and he chuckled

"Isn't that obvious, Sunshine?" He whispered with a smirk and Drew seemed to catch on and so did Andrew because they both growled

"You want Nathan" Drew growled and I froze.

"Hm you're pretty intelligent, Drew. You have everything! I was jealous of you and now, you even have the guy I wanted since the beginning! I love you Nathan, so much and now Drew took you away from me! He has once again taken something that was supposed to be mine" He growled in anger and that made me furious.

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