chapter 17

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A/N: This is the last chapter of this book and I'm thankful to all of you

Your votes and comments were really appreciated and for those who didn't, I'm still thankful and hope you enjoyed it ⭐🌟



Nathan's P.O.V


We took our place at the table with Steve next to me, holding my hand in front of everyone. Vanessa sat next to Drew but the twins barely payed attention to her. They were focused on my entwined hands, jealousy filled in their eyes. I actually rolled my eyes at their behaviour.

"So Nathan, how did you and Steve met?" Mom questioned and Steve smiled. He looked at me in fake love and stroke my cheeks.

"Well, we have the same classes. We had to do a project and he came to my house. I guess that we fell in love like in the typical cliché stories" Steve said making eye contact with Vanessa.

The witch looked at me straight in the eyes before holding Drew's hand.

She wrapped her hand around Drew's fist to show off.

Drew tensed but didn't do anything because he was trying to make Vanessa believe that her plan worked

"Really? I hope you're taking care of him" Asher added and Steve nodded

"I am" he replied before leaning to peck my cheek. 

I actually blushed because we were in front of the parents!

Vanessa suddenly giggled and we looked at her like the crazy bitch she was.

"Well Steve, don't be shy! Why don't you kiss his lips? He's yours, isn't he?" Vanessa said with a smirk

Steve frowned and I saw the way Vanessa tapped her pnone, making Steve sign. Steve forced a smile while mom frowned.

It seems that my mom still knew me as much as before because she could tell that something was wrong

"That's not necessay, don't you think? I'm kind of shy to be doing it in front of his parents" Steve said and my eyes met the twins who glared at the table.

Both of their shoulders were tensed and I could see the veins on their arms pop out

"I'm sure his parents wouldn't mind, right?" Vanessa asked with a fake and sinister smile

"Of course we don't" Asher said in amusement.

Steve awkardly cupped my cheeks and started leaning close. My heart started beating faster at the closeness he was.

What was more bad was that I would have to kiss him in front of the guys I love.

"I'm sorry" Steve whispered and I could feel his breath on my lips. He was about to touch my lips when the scrapping of chair shocked us.

Steve pulled back quickly and our head turned towards angry twins.

Their eyes were dark in anger and Drew snatched his hand away from a shocked Vanessa who couldn't comprehend what was happening.

"Get out of here, now!" Drew said in a low, cold tone and silence reigned the room. No sound could be heard apart from my heart thumping against my chest

God, I guess that the moment has arrived.

Steve gulped but nodded.

He walked away while Vanessa was still here

Asher looked confused but mom looked like she caught on what was happening.

"I said, get out" Drew snarled at Vanessa

Twin step-brothers, great! BxbxbWhere stories live. Discover now