chapter 8

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Warning, domestic abuse.

6-year-old twins.

3rd P.O.V

"I'm tired of taking care of two children Maria, I'm still 26 and too young to take care of those children! I was supposed to complete my degree then have children but no, you had to be pregnant with not one but two children!!! I can't stay at home to look after them when I have my own career to complete" Asher said coldly, going towards his room. He was so busy taking care of a sick Drew and ended up losing his case.

"Please, don't do this Asher! " Maria shouted at the man who was packing his things. Asher ignored her, zipping his suitcase. He walked downstairs, shrugging the woman's hand off his shoulder.

"Dad, play with us?" Drew asked with a sweet smile but his father ignored him.

"Asher please don't go! Don't leave me alone, please!" Maria begged when the man slammed the door shut.

Soon, Maria heard the car drive far away from her

It's all their faults! If only they weren't born, Asher would still have been with me!

Maria thought bitterly

"Mummy, where's dad?" Drew asked innocently and Maria clenched her fist together, her fingernails digging into her flesh. She got up and glared at him making Drew flinch.

"He's gone and isn't going to come back! It's your fault Drew, why did you have to be born!" She exclaimed angrily. She released her anger on him as Andrew wasn't here. The first person she could blame was Drew because he happened to be here. Asher was hesitant to accept that Maria was pregnant but he ended up being excited, only to regret it when instead of one, Maria gave birth to two sons.

If Drew hasn't been born, Asher would have been happy!

She thought angrily.

She then went upstairs, slamming her door shut.

Drew's eyes widened and his lips wobbled in sadness. He let out a sob and threw his toy on the ground. He heard a step and his big brother by three minutes hugged him tight.

"Is it really my fault that dad is going away?" Drew whimpered and Andrew shook his head, denying it.

"No Drew, of course not! " the older answered, picking the toy back

"Here Drew, I'll play with you" Andrew cooed with a big smile and Drew sniffed before nodding.

Maria searched for her keys in her pocket, giggling when the man behind her squeezed her ass. She drunk her ass in a bar and wanted sex to quench her pain.

She opened the door with difficulty, letting a stranger enter her house.

"Let's go upstairs, sexy" she purred to the man who nodded. It was ten at night and Drew had a bad dream. He didn't want to wake his twin so, he went downstairs to look for his mummy

"Mummy, I can't sleep" he whined but she ignored him, trailing her hand on the man's crotch.

"What the fuck, you have a kid?" The man said, pushing her away. Maria lost her balance by the amount of alcohol she consumed and fell on the ground as the man left through the door.

Drew rushed to help his mummy but the latter pushed him away, making him fall on the ground. Hr let out a yelp as he bruised his hips.

"Don't touch me you stupid brat! It's all your fucking fault! Yours" she slurred, tumbling from side to side and Drew whimpered when Maria got up, grazing her fingernails into Drew's sensitive skin, drawing blood. Maria's eyes started drooping and she fell on the ground, laying unconscious. Drew cried, taking a glance at his red arm with blood oozing from his wounds but he didn't pay attention to it.

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