chapter 11

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I still stuck at writing dates so.. Sorry.


Nathan's P. O. V


The twins just pecked my cheeks on each side making heat rushed towards it. They pulled back and chuckled before going away, leaving me frozen.

I was now laying on my bed, contemplating the ceiling.

shit, I have a date with them on Friday and I don't know what to feel about it except, I know that right now, my heart is beating in excitement and adrenaline is flowing through my vein.

I knew that the twins wanted me because of the hints they kept dropping and I wanted to wait until the time arrived, until they made a move and now that they made it, I don't know what to feel.

What should I do?

Should I reject their offer?

Don't be stupid, Nathan!

Just because you don't know how to feel about it doesn't mean you would run away!!!

I decided to listen to my conscious this time.

what did I have to lose?

The twins are hot and I like their true self.

Drew was the sweetest boy I  know.

I always thought he would have been the rough one but, he isn't.

I've seen him angry last week when a certain guy pushed Flynn on the ground.

It was not a pretty sight.

He was hot tempered.

He punched the guy, ignoring everyone's screams. But just because of one 'stop' from Andrew, he stopped immediately. The principal just gave him a warning because many people testified that Drew wasn't at fault.

Andrew scolded him when we reached home though.

Drew looked like a kicked puppy and apologised for his behaviour. He said he was sorry for harming someone and hugged Andrew like a small kid asking for forgiveness.

Of course, Andrew forgave him.

As for Andrew, it was like he was the alpha of a wolf pack. Yes, I read too many books but that's my dad's fault considering he was the one who bought them...

Anyway, Andrew was the leader. What he says goes by.

He forced me to eat vegetables..

Yes, even my mom couldn't and he scold Drew and I when we do something wrong. Just this week, Drew and I stole ice cream when Andrew told us not to and thankfully we didn't get sick.

But, I also slept in the same bed as them everyday and I felt so fucking warm and comfortable. I felt their strong arms around me and not one pair but two pairs. Today though, I didn't because I wanted to be by myself but... I missed the warmth they provided. I still recall the disappointment in Drew's face when I refused their invitation to sleep in their bed.

If I go on the date with them, I would eventually become theirs.

Andrew and Drew would show the same love to me. I saw them together and wanted something like what they had and maybe, just maybe I would find it with them.

With that on my mind, I walked towards Andrew's room with my pillow. It was only ten o'clock and they should be awake.

I hesitantly knocked on the door and heard shuffling.

Twin step-brothers, great! BxbxbΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα