Chapter 7- Taunting Evil Guy

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[] A M E L I A []

A loud sneeze escaped my lips as I slowly tried getting up from my desk. Just as I was attempting this, there was a knock at my door. I stared at it in confusion, wondering who would knock at this hour.

I slowly trudged to the door and opened it. On the other side of the door stood Fatima. She was a Somalian girl who was housed in the dorm next to mine. I stared at her in surprise and she smiled at me. We had only met briefly a few times when we were either coming into the dorm or leaving, but never had she knocked on my door.

"Hi Amelia," she said with a wave.

I gave her a small smile back. Suddenly, she thrust something toward me. I looked down in surprise, and saw that it was a strip of tablets. I stared at it in confusion, then back up to her face.

"Take it. They're anti-allergy tablets. Super helpful in this area. Trust me, cough syrup won't help your sickness," she said with a smile.

I took the medicine from her hesitantly.

"Thank you, Fatima. And, uh, sorry about all the coughing. I know it must be super loud," I said.

"Hey, why are you apologizing for something like that?" Fatima said with a laugh. "We all get sick."

She smiled at me and after a small chat and a 'take care Amelia,' she was leaving the dorm, probably for her Friday morning class. I watched the space after her as she left, then looked down at the simple strip of tablets. Surprisingly, I smiled.

By nightfall, I had taken a nap, left to get soup for dinner, and was finally back in my dorm to sleep. I had to say, the medicine did make me feel better.

After getting in bed, I finally let my mind drift off into thinking of the things I had been avoiding since yesterday.

I thought of him.

I was so anxious after seeing him again that my body nearly gave up on me. I felt sick and feverish all night and day, and I just wanted to forget about the fact that I saw him yesterday.

My body just couldn't handle the fact that he was here. For so long, I had tried to stay away from everything that reminded me of the past. But sadly, he was the past. He was connected to it, was a part of it. And now he was here.

He was here and there was nothing I could do about it.

But he couldn't be. Maybe I had misheard it. Maybe I had misperceived it. He simply could not be here.

Because if he was here, then that means all the demons that I've worked so hard to supress, are not far off either.

* * *

The next morning, I felt much better. My horrible sneezes were gone and I wasn't as sore as I was yesterday. Therefore, I slowly got out of bed and started getting ready for the day.

Since I had missed my Sociology class on Thursday, I was meeting up with Andre to catch up on notes today. I was caught up in every other class since the professors posted detailed notes, but the Sociology professor didn't. If he had, I might not have asked Andre for help. I was a little lost in English but there was no way I was going to ask anyone for help, especially Leo. I'd just have to suck it up and hope that the lesson from yesterday wouldn't be too crucial.

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